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On Being the “Breadwinner” in your relationships

Women are starting to generate their sense of purpose, To thrive in collaboration, business, and in unapologetically taking greater care of themselves so they can show up fully to their work, their relationships, their families. But there is still work to do

Today we are taking the conversation a little deeper - into how we can start to look within at the reasons why we may subconsciously be throwing away our opportunities to make more money, going for what we want, and leading the charge when it comes to income in the family.

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Releasing Rituals for the New Year

I would like to share with you some beautiful, ritualistic things that you can do at the end of the year. It is a way of letting go of last year to make space for new great things that will happen this year. From letting go of the good, the bad, and the ugly, learning, being grateful and then understanding what you really want and how that feels you can manifest great things my friend..

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When you are Paralysed by Perfectionism

When you’re being a perfectionist you are afraid and I’m talking about when you have a creative endeavour that you want to do or when you have a task that you’re just not starting because it’s not going to be perfect or you are comparing yourself to someone else, this is what I’m talking about. That perfectionist that comes out, it’s actually fear.

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How to Take a Leap of Faith

It was sitting right in front of me, with the easy button right across the top. But it was an investment that I didn’t want to front. A few thousand dollars.

Fear doesn’t show up any differently in round 2: Next Level. It feels the same. It feels the gosh damn same. New level, New devil as they say.

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It's Back Online... But she's not coming home.

….when I realised my biggest opportunity for growth is not going home and "ending the adventure", getting back to the real world, but expanding and diving head first into what I know is possible. I have no idea where this is going to lead me. But I know it's right. This is my real world. Right Now.

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Why Intuition Sux.....

If you're at the moment, at a little bit of a fork in the road and you're wanting to make the next decision, and your intuition maybe speaking up. My message is just listen up and go with it, you're not necessarily going to know what's around the corner. Sometimes the answer is not what you want to hear and you just have to go with it and trust that everything is going to be okay because you're following your highest self.

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Taking Back Control of Your Health

…she’s a pro at de-bunking the myth that being healthy requires a lot of effort - she even shocked ME with how little time she spend tending to her garden…even in New York City.

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