Posts in Life-Changing Leadership
Radical Responsibility

Vs OVER-RESPONSIBILITY - In this episode, I will ask you four questions to encourage you to enter your critical thinking awareness and not allow over-responsibility to derail your business.

By using radical responsibility, you take your power back.

You look for ways you can show up differently. You take responsibility for your actions, thoughts, energy, and words in each aspect of your life that is under your control.

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It's be, do, have, not the other way around.

My desk situation has always been a reminder of where I was at the time. Not just physically, but in every way.

Today, this office is exactly what I imagined. It's here. And it feels... normal. When things feel like they're going away from your desires, trust somehow, this situation is speeding up the process of you getting to where you're going, and hold that primary vibration, the way to create it externally, is to start within.

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Worried this is not going to last?

This gets to be your new bottom-line. You don't get out of bed for less-than this now, that is if you choose it. You've been at this for a long time, and you deserve every bit of the good that's here. This is not a fluke.

Your decision. YOU DECIDE this is a new normal. You get your whole ass behind it and make the choice to keep it here, in a way that feels easier than doing anything else.

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My thoughts on starting before you're ready

…I'm also all for trusting in your timing though. ….And for a high performer, someone who is educated in their field, who has runs on the board, who understands their level of risk adversity, who already plays a big game in some way, who is self-aware, and who is deeply connected to their intuition, timing is everything.

Sometimes it makes no logical sense, and the pressure is on, but the answer is still a heart-centred, full-body, not yet. 

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