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Coaching Application

Before you contact me for a conversation, please do your research. I invite you to read through every word on this website, and make sure that you are absolutely hell yes to having a conversation with me that will open up your world, and, to doing what it takes to become a client, and create whatever success means to you.

This application is for sincere and appropriate applicants only.

Once you’ve completed your application form, either myself or one of my team members will get back to you about further conversation with me, which will happen via voice message.

During this time, I will coach you. The best way you and I can get to know if we are a hell yes for each other, is to have an experience together. You may already know if this is a hell yes for you, and you’re ready to go, in which case, please let me know in your application form.

Afterwards, one of a few things might happen.

1 - You and I may never need to speak again

2 - I may have a resource, or a referral for you, or,

3 - You may want to know what it looks like to work with me more - as client and coach.

If you have done your research by reading the words on this site, you know they apply to you, and you are ready, I invite you to take your time, and enjoy pouring your heart out in the application. Your coaching begins now.

If you know you are not ready, but you’d like to stay in touch with me, great! This is where to do that.


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Hayley Carr