Posts tagged management
How to immediately reduce the pressure

-around your big Dreams & Goals.

Have you ever achieved a goal and not even realised, because you’ve by-passed it in pursuit of the next one?

Have you ever not even admitted what your goals or big dreams are out of fear of it never happening, and how embarrassing and horrible it would be to fail? Do you tell yourself a story that often sounds like, “I don’t even know what I want?”

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Why Intuition Sux.....

If you're at the moment, at a little bit of a fork in the road and you're wanting to make the next decision, and your intuition maybe speaking up. My message is just listen up and go with it, you're not necessarily going to know what's around the corner. Sometimes the answer is not what you want to hear and you just have to go with it and trust that everything is going to be okay because you're following your highest self.

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How to BANISH Your To-Do List & Create

Banish your to do list and have creative babies. You genius You! If you really do put this stuff into practise, I’m warning you, you will fall absolutely, deeply, head over heels in love with your life.

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