4 Simple Steps to Reprogramming Your Subconscious

My mother knew in that moment that my tantrums weren’t me being a 6 year old possessed.

Through learning NLP, (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming), I was able to uncover the hidden belief under the feelings I was having - and even trace it back to its beginnings. And from there, re-wire myself for the long term, in my subconscious (read = effortlessly).

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You Don't Need to Travel to Feel Fearless, Fuelled & Free.

“When I’m travelling, I feel more alive than anywhere else - ever. Every single one of my senses is heightened - including my instincts. I feel happy, I take in absolutely everything - sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures… and things flow really naturally. Good things come easily. I even get more done at work - and I have less time to do it!”

I could feel myself lighting up, and loosening up just talking about it.

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Get Shiny + Healthy, Fast.

Grab a cup of tea, and listen to an hour of power that could change your health for good. How diet is linked to all-round health

We talk about - The symptoms that go un-noticed, Signs that your gut health needs to be looked at, and how it's linked to everything, Simple tips for healing your gut and Changing your diet and why.

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The Time You Spend. Part 2

Your time yours to use and yours alone. Use it intentionally. And let your choice of how you use it be unshakeable. Nurture the moment, and guard it like your life depends on it, because it does, but invest in the future like your time will never run out.

With every moment, thought, action, word… with our every single everything, we are making a statement about the value of our own time, and that which is remaining.

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My Chile Initiation

Embodying this way of life in Chile has expanded my experiences in every way. Now, I feel at home wherever I go. I don’t require a gym to remain fit and healthy - nor a kitchen! Nothing can stop me from having fun, feeling entertained, and staying on track and feeling energised, because my mindset has changed.

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Some Thoughts On Coming Alive

Don’t they know it’s OK to go for Number 1? That it’s there for everyone’s taking? It’s fair game!

I’ll tell you why. Because somewhere along the line, we were conditioned to think that dreaming big was dangerous.Your biggest dreams are going to seem small once you smash through them.

Because the minute you actually start going for what you want, it’s closer than you thought.

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How to choose Your Life Coach

There's a lot of hype, and not too many ways of differentiating good, from the not-so-good life coach. Anyone can be anyone online.

Life coaching is - despite every second person I meet seemingly having the qualification - still a relatively new industry. It is a very fascinating field, a very important industry in the future of human beings, and yet, near impossible to regulate.

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What are your Energy Drains?

Excited? Nervous? A little fearful of the space in front of you and all the things you want? Pushed? Rushed? Frustrated? Or are you still fueled and inspired?

The reason I ask, is because chances are, you're either being drained or energised by your life right now. When you become aware of what drains you - it can be liberating and allow you to get more done.

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