Posts tagged Health
What to do when Paralysed by Fear

Do you ever have moments when you know you need to act, but you are frozen with fear? Fear is an everyday occurrence. You are not alone in your fears.

And the thing I have learnt from speaking to hundreds of people about fears, and spending a lot of time researching and testing how to bust through my own and help others do the same, is something I hope will help you today.

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How to Feel Worthy in 5 easy steps

Self-Worth. The Elusive, yet oh-so-important factor to the greatest personal and professional successes. The key to your wealth, health, success and freedom, is knowing your worth, and building the muscle every single day.

If you ever find yourself being negative about yourself or even simply being apathetic and resigned to the life you’re living - chances are, your self-worth muscles are flimsy. Here are my top-5 ways to build these muscles up again.

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Minimalism, Decluttering & Freedom.

When you declutter and have thing around that make you feel positive you open up your energy to receive, and you can direct yourself as to which way you’d like to receive - depending on where your focus is, like making more money, a new lover or partner, energy to your business, it can make you happier and feel more calm, and give you further energy, and space - mental and physical - to pursue projects that light you up.

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How to know if your gut instincts are on point

… and feel a pang in my belly, of gratitude and excitement for a time of morning I used to feel dread at what the day ahead would bring. Gratitude and excitement for this moment. In this moment, I’ve realised I’ve hit a new normal. Wow.

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10 Productivity Hacks for Freedom of Time at Work

I’ve managed to develop my own individual rhythm for living in a way that allows me to delve into all my passions in a nourishing way, and as I’ve shared this with my clients - I’ve enjoyed watching them too, start owning their lives differently, and the effect it has on their overall happiness, and their performance at the task at hand.

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Should I start my own business and...

…follow my passions?

About finding your purpose…. what I do know now, is how simple, and how internal this process really is, and when you get it right, how good it makes every single damn day of life. Your purpose has absolutely nothing to do with your vocation.

You are living your purpose in absolutely every thing you do.

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4 Questions to Spark Action & Decisions in the Face of Fear.

Thinking about something, wanting it so badly you feel fear at not having it. I do not want this for you. Stop this cycle - In these situations - where we recognise the static pattern repeating itself, I like to ask myself these 4 questions in the face of Fear. I invite you to pay attention to how the answers to these questions make you feel as you come up with them.

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Be The Calm In The Storm

At this time of year, positive or not, there’s a hustle in the air. A sense of pressure we feel to stay up to date, consume, catch-up, close-off, get somewhere, say what you need to say, and rush.

I’m here to remind you, you have a choice. Every single day - about how you show up. And what you choose to take part in.

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Get Shiny + Healthy, Fast.

Grab a cup of tea, and listen to an hour of power that could change your health for good. How diet is linked to all-round health

We talk about - The symptoms that go un-noticed, Signs that your gut health needs to be looked at, and how it's linked to everything, Simple tips for healing your gut and Changing your diet and why.

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