Why you feel busy but not satisfied...


…and how "J" went from less than zero to $uccess

Be your own coach - Hayley Carr - Life coach. You can’t fake your vibe |  Photo Credit: TJ Holowaychuk/Unsplash

You can't fake your vibe. That's it. 

The reason we don't feel satisfied by all the "things we're doing" is because of the way we're doing them. Seriously. 

I hate to woo you with my woo, but it's true, you knooo? (That was a rhyme if you didn't catch it.) 

If your energy (made up of your beliefs, your attitudes, your emotions, your decisions and your ideas about the world) doesn't match your words and your actions, and instead, it actually says, with all the work you're doing, for example,

"I'm scared as hell that I'll lose my friends if I become too successful this way."

You're putting out THAT radio signal, and no matter what you DO, it won't flow right. There's a snag when your energy's not behind it.

The Story of how “J“ went from borrowing $7k to work with me, to multiple six figures income.

I'll call her J. Because that's way more secret and mysterious than saying Jemima or Janelle or Joanna or Jennifer of J-LO. You'll never know. Mwahahaha!

J borrowed $7,500 to work with me. When we started, she was transitioning from her corporate career into something new. She has the right website, the right images, she was really bloody good at it. But she was so exhausted by the "strategy" she thought she had to employ to make it happen, that she was sabotaging herself by spending way too much time eating sugar on the couch because she was exhausted. Classic. I'd do that too.

It wasn't that she needed to try harder. For heck's sake, that's a B.S. story if I ever did hear one -

sidetrack but if we all just decided it’s not MEANT to be hard, we'd have a blast...

It wasn't that she needed to up-skill or DO something more.

It wasn't a "fear of being seen."

It wasn't fear of failure.

It wasn't even the reality she had constructed outside of her with all the lovely websitey social media brandingy-things.

She was ticking off every damn box she was meant to, and nada.

This is exactly why I don't care about your "strategy".

When I sat down with this angel of a human for the first time we uncovered that there was a part of her that wasn't all-in on the way it needed to be done.

You know how to tell when you're not all-in?

  • Exhausted

  • Avoidant

  • Procrastination

  • Overthinking

  • Playing small/dumbing down

  • Thinking you need to work harder

or work smarter
or be more organise
or more of anything.

She was afraid of upsetting people, or offending people. 

She was afraid of offending her mama, because her family had struggled early in life. She didn't wanna feel even more disconnected from them than she already was, because she was leaving her "safe" job.

She was also introverted and quiet and thought she had to get that beaten out of her so she could employ ‘the strategy.’

She felt like she wasn't bold enough to ever "make it" because she was different from the clique. 

So many things were going on here…. can you see?

It's not about trying harder, or working smarter either - it's about questioning the foundations you've based your life on.

Your beliefs are the gravity of your universe.

You can't see gravity. But you can feel it, and it's a lawn which you base your assumptions.

What if you questioned what you assume to be the gravity that grounds your life?

Like, you're sick. Act sick. 

Or, to be rich, you have to drive a nice car or work really hard.

Or, you'll never be accepted as fully yourself by your loved ones so you gotta play it down. 

Or that your partner won't support you to quit your job, you just know it.

You'll always be alone... You'll never be good enough

You’ll always be broke. 

Or even just that what you think is real is actually real!

When you make a tiny shift in your internal landscape - your belief, your possibility, your emotions about something you've experienced - this is a new energy, and this is the way you stop blocking the good stuff coming easy.

Question the thoughts you think.

Question the very good reasons you give to your mates about why you're acting the way you do. 

Question if the foundational sayings you say to yourself when the proverbial hits the fan, are actually 100% true, 100% of the time for 100% of people.

Then, question what else might be available for you to think, and believe. It's all there, ready to be put on the map.

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.


Hayley xx

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