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Releasing Rituals for the New Year

There’s nothing better than stepping into a meeting, an hour, a day, a week, a month, and yes, a year - knowing what you’re bringing in before you start. If you take the time to clarify it, make space for it, and focus on it, you’re guaranteed to be ahead of the pack, and right on track.

It's what we focus on that becomes our reality after all.

Last year I did this little ritual on New years (you can do it anytime, it doesn't have the be new year) and it has led to the most miraculous year to date.

And now I ‘d love to share it with you!

 Here is the content from the video:

I would like to share with you some beautiful, ritualistic things that you can do at the end of the year so in the next couple of days to let go of everything that has occurred this year and start calling in, things that we want to create next year, 2017, or any year.

At the end of 2015, I spent the New Year quietly and completely sober and not at any parties by choice. And I sat down and I practiced ritual for myself, and honestly, it has been incredible year to date. And so I'd like to share some of my little rituals with you, in the hope that you can create an amazing life for yourself next year.

So as we know, it's really important to let go. If we don't let go of things, there's no space, physically and emotionally for new and the good to come. If you think about your physical space. When you have physical things in your space, we didn't let go of certain things, you would be piling up and piling up more stuff, and unable to bring in new furniture. So it's much like this with emotions as well. If we don't let go of everything that happened, the good and the bad, there is no more room for things to enter into our lives and manifest as good.

And at the very same time, once we've done the letting go side of things, it's really important to remember this too. Often times, goals are not necessarily productive. Sometimes, our idea of what needs to happen in the year gets in the way of the magic that we can create in a year without our knowing. Sometimes we think too small, sometimes in order to have what we ultimately want to go through a certain series of almost like initiations of divine assignments stacked up one, one after the next, so that we can go through them and work, and learn and experience what we need to experience in order to become the type of person who has what we want, easily.

So the ritual that I want to create with you today is something a little bit different from a goal setting ritual. But first let's start with letting go. Now, I've become an expert at letting go over the years, just through practice, and it's not always easy, although it can be. Sometimes when you're holding on to something or not accepting of what is in life, it's very hard to let go, and ultimately, letting go, forgiveness and acceptance are all the same thing. So by acknowledging and letting go the year that was, the good the bad and the ugly we're making space for more, more beauty, more love, more anything.

And the reason why I say it's important to let go of the good stuff as well is because.... There this saying saying, I'm sorry I can't remember who said it. I'm paraphrasing right now, but it goes like this.

Success is a rental and the rent is due every damn day.

Now, the way I interpret that, is that you can't just rest on our laurels and oh great I was successful this year so that means I'm going to be successful forever or I worked really hard this year that means I get to sit back and chill out forever if you're not where you want to be.

So, letting go of the great things that happen also allows more greatness to come. Okay, that's why we let go absolutely everything we're basically not identifying our own person, our own self or our own self worth, with the achievements and failures that occurred this year.

So here's the first step. I invite you to do this however you want you can sit by yourself you can go somewhere with an incredible view. You can light a candle, you can play some beautiful music you can get more loved up with moisterizer, whatever, or you can just sit at your desk and do it, it really doesn't matter. You don't have to be naked, you know, the rituals are beautiful, and they're not necessary for you to get the results from this process.

So here's my ritual.

The first step is letting go - what i want you to do is take out a journal.

And I want you to write down your year in review. You saw me do this last week, and it is posted up on the internet.

And you can talk about all things that happened, or some of the major things that happened for you this year and what you learned form it. And so the first step is just go through write down everything that happened, good, bad, ugly just events, experiences, things that happened.

Then write a second list and ask yourself what do I learn from this, what am I missing.

Now, the third step in the letting go, process is to say to yourself, Okay, what habits, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, what do I want to actually let go of and forget about from here on in. What mentalities, do I want to ditch, do I want to ditch this 'lack' mentality or do I want to ditch the skill of being busy and overwhelmed or I want to ditch the feeling of I'm not enough. Do I want to ditch overbooking myself. What I want you to just write it down and say right that's what I need to change.

Now once you've done that you can do some things that symbolizes gratitude for the year. So, if you want you can continue writing and say, another list of, what am I grateful for this year, or you can just sit for a moment and really feel gratitude as to why you are grateful for the year that was.

Now if you like, you can continue on to the next bit today, or you can stop for today and start again on New Year's day. I like to do it personally, all at once, and that's what I did this year, and just did it all at once is actually over that of Midnight Hour, which was really nice to see fireworks from the balcony, just sitting there with tea and with my thoughts and questions, so it was really really cool. So we're moving in now to what you want to create in the New Year.

And I mentioned at the start of this video that goals are not necessarily the most productive thing because we can get in your way. And of course in miracles, says

…Stop praying for what you think you want, and start praying for what you need.

And sometimes things occur for us, you know universe is always on our side, it's not always our time, sometimes there needs to be things that occur situations opportunities, people that we meet, or perhaps a lapse in time that needs to occur in order for what you want, what you think you want to occur in a way that is good for all. So, what we're doing in this moment right here is just completely letting go of goals for a second, and we're going to get connected back to the heart back to your intuition, and just free writing and going bigger than what you possibly thought you could had you just written out some goals for this year.

So I want you to dream big. Something that I asked my clients all the time is, why do you want that. Why do you want that. And how will that make you feel, and this is something you have to consider for this next bit is writing up how you want to feel over the next year.

This might inspire you to put yourself in situations and develop ways of being and start showing up and ritualizing how you want to feel through the choices that you make, every single day.

The other thing I like to ask them is, if you are thinking really really big that you can have anything that you want, seriously, really, really big. And then when they give me an answer and I would be ooh… and then what would you do. And after you got that, what would you do and then what would you do, and no, no, truthfully if you were thinking really really big, what we do and what comes out of these beautiful emotional responses, often very simple ones in the end, how someone truly feels that they want to live their life. But we place, all these other goals in the midterm between now and then. And so this just clarifies it for you.

So what we're doing in this part of the process is to go, Okay, here's what I want to create. Let's make this like I'm willing to make this happen in a way that is good for everyone. And let's just see what comes out because I want to get out of my own way in this situation and just allow what comes out for the greatest good of all.

Praying for what I need, as opposed to what I want. Let's see what comes out. And so, you can set a little intention to just let your creative mind flow, get in touch with your intuition and free write and just see what comes out, what you can create this year, this year.

Now remember, we usually overestimate what happens, what could happen in a year, we usually underestimate significantly, what can happen in five.

But when you understand the power of getting in touch with your intuition of allowing yourself to be guided by yourself, by you heart by trusting in life, and that connecting to that inner guide and inner force within you every single day. You'll be surprised what you can manefest in a week, my friend. I'm not even kidding. We often have no idea how close we are to the life that we crave.

So I invite you in this process, to just open yourself up and think, you know what, I don't know how. I definitely don't know how that's okay, I'm just going to start writing and let yourself be free, it's really energizing and beautiful process. Now once you are done, you've got how you want to feel and things that you are inviting yourself to create. However, I want you to place this sacred document somewhere really special.

Actually there's something I forgot. If there is something that kind of scares you to write down, I want you to place a big circle around it. Sometimes the thing you're not really sure that you want because it's quite scary and it might mean being a little bit vulnerable putting yourself out there is actually the thing that is meant for you.

So write it down, if it's not written down it's not on this planet. Be Brave, Once you're done, either take this beautiful sacred piece of paper it can be as messy as crappy as you want to do leave it like that and you can redo it later and I want you to place it somewhere where you can see it all the time. Place it somewhere permanent, you don't have to read it all the time it's already written. Just place it somewhere where you can view it later in the year and watch everything beautifully unfold.

From me to you, thank you so much for watching. If you know someone who would love to take part in these rituals at the end of this year to to get some amazingness next year, please pass on this video. If you're looking for extra support, next year to make 2017, absolutely miraculous, please contact me, I am available to help you. And I'm wishing you a very very wonderful new year and a wonderful 2017. I'm grateful for you being here.

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.

Love, Hayley x x

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