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My Money Mindset Upgrade

“The three greatest mysteries are “a fish unto water, a bird unto the air and a man unto himself”

I was made aware of this ancient Hindu proverb recently, which suits this weeks video so well.

Humans don’t naturally think about their universal beliefs about the world whilst getting on with the day. (Well, maybe not unless you’re hanging out with me…).

One of the greatest shifts of my life came when I realised everything I thought was real, was simply my filtered experience of the world, based on my beliefs, my experiences, the decisions I had made, my emotions and the environments in which I had grown up.

It was completely liberating to finally understand I could simply choose my beliefs.

Some people would read this in disbelief - maybe even turn their nose up - completely in shock that such a thing could be suggested, and willing to fight until death for their limitations!

When I learned this in 2007, my life changed dramatically.

To give you the shortened version, within a few short months after learning this, I had created enough money to travel overseas and compete in a World Karate tournament I didn’t think I could afford, but also was told I’d never be able to compete in due to a shoulder that supposedly needed to be reconstructed due to an injury the year prior, I had made more money, landed a new lad, moved to a beachside apartment (my dream since I was young), and broken a world record in my sport winning two world titles.


Now, this is wonderful news, however, when you realise you can transform everything ever in your life, despite being amazing, it can also be a little overwhelming.

One of the most common questions I get asked is about changing up your money mindset.

So today, I have a special treat.

In this video I’m sharing with you how I switched up my own money mindset the Hayley way- so I could think more freely, become more self expressed, and have more fun - and make more money as a result.

It’s a great topic money, because despite there being no difference in our ability to shift our mindset around it, it has so much charge - and it used to be the case for me, too.

I’m excited to share this one!

Once you’ve watched, do let me know your thoughts, and where you can map across some useful new beliefs for yourself. I want to hear what your new beliefs are! Let me know below.

Here is the content from the video:

Today I'm talking about wealth consciousness and this is a really interesting topic because, number one, a lot of people think that wealth, the word wealth is a dirty word, a greedy word, it's a triggering word. For some wealth consciousness, sounds like this woowoo topic that is reserved for ultra mega spiritual people, or I don't know it just sounds lofty.

I really want to today, dispel some of the myths around what wealth consciousness actually is, and help you actually get into that state as well of wealth, consciousness, which is not a state, it's a level of consciousness, that's my whole point. So I'll give you a description of what it is, and then let's talk about how you can actually experience this for yourself. Because once you understand some of these ideas about wealth and some of these higher level concepts that I know are sort of like buzzwords, if you're in those kinds of circles, it's also a little bit cryptic so we're kind of lifting the hood on some of that today.

I want to share with you how to experience this for yourself. Growing up in a sort of middle class family, for me, it was not something that we spoke about and the word 'wealth consciousness' didn't even come into my sphere of orbit until a few years ago. Understanding what this is, has really shifted my business, my life and my appreciation for what wealth, truly is.

So, what does wealth mean to you? To me and this is just my story, this is just my definition, it's not just about financial gains, it's not just about being financially wealthy, the definition that I'm using here in this, and this is just my story, it's just my definition is that wealth is a holistic state where you have everything that you want in balance holistically, so it's not just having heaps of money but really crappy relationships or bad health. It's about having a level of financial abundance that you have satiated with and satisfied with and that allows you to live in flow, as well as ultimate health, as well as relationships as well as general happiness and doing work that makes you feel grateful and alive and contribution and everything that you might value in your life is actually you're feeling fulfilled and you're actually executing and doing those things on a different level. So that's my understanding of wealth.

When I was a martial artist, not so long ago. I'm always going to be still a martial artist in my heart, but I'm not an internationally competing martial artist. I understood very very well what a state of flow was so I could have, and this did happen to me one time I had two sprained quads from sport, and I had to compete in World titles and I literally was having trouble walking because two sprain quads means you can't flex your legs when you're actually walking. But I would be able to get over that even if I couldn't walk outside of the ring, when I stepped into the ring, something would happen, time would slow down, everything would go gray, I wouldn't really have to think about it, everything kind of just went in slow motion, and then it was over and I would pop out and my legs would ache again and I'll be heady.

Flow state or a state of flow is something, just like any state that you can go in and out of, and there's been a lot of research done on flow states. There's a book written about it on flow - and I cannot pronounce the author's name, it's Meehi Shin - something. It's an amazing book though. And he talks about when the level of like challenge, as well as the level of skill, are just at the right ratios and they match you end up entering a state of flow, where, you know, you don't need to focus on anything else and you're incredibly present and you notice that time just slips away or it slows down or it speeds up and you don't even notice and you come to these incredible results, and conclusions and that's a state of flow and you can enter it and you can exit it enter it you can exit it, and a lot of people spend their life working out how to stay in flow as often as possible.

One of my friends, Jackie is a flow master, and she talks about flow consciousness, now flow consciousness is something that I learned about, you know by happenstance. I started traveling when I was in my early 20s and traveling just based off of intuition, and totally solo around the world, and what I had to learn was this, no matter what happened, even if everything f#@ked up, even if shit totally hit the fan,...

…like I was stuck in Cuba one time, and I couldn't get any access to my bank account because it was a sanction country, and I ended up having a mistake made on my ticket out of the country, I had no money left. And I ended up at the airport on the day that I was supposed to fly with my ticket for the next day so I had to, you know, it was like, what do you do when the proverbial hits the fan in these kinds of situations,

and being in a consciousness of flow is like you don't go in the state and out of the state, in and out, it's about recognizing that you just never are not in flow and bring yourself back to remembering that by having beliefs, attitudes, meta programs, emotions, and just overall trust in yourself and in life that everything is always working out in your favor.

Even when you're in a sanctioned country and everything's going wrong, right, those are the times when you really have to practice this, but bringing yourself back into flow by reminding yourself that no no no no no, I have plans, but I'm totally supported, and that's actually the bigger plan and it's all good for me, so there's a state of flow, and there's a consciousness of flow.

And when you start operating from the consciousness of flow, you start having greater trust in yourself, greater trust in life, and incredible results because you become incredibly resilient because when things go wrong and you turn it into exactly why things are gonna go right when you miss a train which means you're gonna miss your plane which means you're going to miss a meeting, you turn it into exactly the reason why you're exactly where you need to be in that moment because either you need to meet someone who's right there or you're not meant to be where you're going, or you're being protected from something that you don't even know about, or there's something for you to learn or something for you to realize or whatever and it's not about ever necessarily discovering the exact reason why this thing went wrong in your own mind, and having trust in that.

Okay, so that's the understanding of flow consciousness that I have created for my own life, and the distinction between a state of flow, and consciousness of flow.

So, we're talking about wealth consciousness today. I was about to say, hands up here because if you're watching this, you might be like yes, this is me too. If you've ever lived in a state of, like, yeah. I'm super rich oh I am super poor. What do they call that like feast and famine. Hands up if you've ever lived in a state of feast or famine, like where money comes in, whether you are a business owner, or you have a job and you live paycheck to paycheck, or whatever you know get some money and you're like, Yeah, Drinks on me tonight, whatever, when you don't have money, you're like mm I'm broke, I suck maybe I'm not a good human maybe I maybe I'm not cut out for this business maybe maybe maybe blah blah blah and then money comes in and you're like, I don't know what I was worried about the same thing happens again, right.

So a state of wealth is when you can get into that state of wealth, but you can also come out of it so it's a state that you can enter an exit. And this is really common right we don't realize that we have a choice to stay in wealth, often we naturally enter the state of wealth, when we have money in the bank, or we feel supported, or we feel financially secure, or we feel if we have the perception that there's a guarantee coming in our lives, right, that's a state of wealth, and we can naturally exit it if we're not seeing the results in our lives if we're not seeing the clients come through or the business come through or the money come through, or we've spent all our money from our monthly or weekly paycheck right to stay to wealth that we enter or exit.

So wealth consciousness on the other hand, is having a consciousness of wealth. You understand that you're, you're never not in wealth and you turn every situation into an opportunity to turn something that you perceive as gone wrong, into something right. Always trusting in yourself, knowing yourself, trusting yourself and backing yourself, trusting yourself, trusting in life, trusting in the business and whatever, no matter what's happening. Even if it doesn't look right, this is an opportunity for you to go even further ahead to feel even more powerful, to make even more money or to have even more wealth in the actual definition of it, so you'll feel you're literally turning your life into an experience of wealth, no matter what it is that you do.

Here's what's interesting, and why it's important to get yourself into a state of wealth consciousness. And this is what's interesting, when you do. So, if you have a overarching belief in life, that everything I do aligns with my wealth like I'm always exactly where I need to be, even when something goes wrong, there's an opportunity for me here. If you have that belief, you probably also have a belief that everything I do makes me money, right, because that's a wealth consciousness belief. If I was in flow consciousness, I believe that anytime I'm following my heart, anytime I'm doing the thing that feels really really good for me anytime I'm living in alignment, I'm always exactly where I need to be, and wealth consciousness would be anytime I act from alignment I sell what feels good, I do what feels good, I let my career guide me and my heart guide me in my career, or I choose to launch what I want to launch in my business, etc.

Whenever you're doing that, you would naturally make more money if you have a wealth consciousness that that's exactly where you need to be in order to get where you want to go right so you choose to believe in wealth consciousnes. That when you act from alignment when you're doing what feels good when your following your heart, when you're launching what feels aligned, you're going to make more money so you're going to grow your wealth.

So, when you have a state of wealth consciousness, here's what's interesting. You wouldn't not choose to act from alignment, if no matter what you do, you're going to make money, you probably would stop doing things that you hate, you probably would stop doing things that don't feel aligned, you'd probably would also stop doing things that drain you of energy as well, because having a belief in wealth consciousness means that you are always on track and it just naturally filters out, it gives you more choices, more opportunities, more ways of showing up in the world in a way that feels aligned for you.

So, understanding wealth consciousness actually improves your life not just because, you know, wealth is a good thing to have, in terms of you know, holistically your life works out. But, in and of itself when you understand it and start acting from it, it changes the way that you show up, it changes the way that you perceive the world and what you believe and how you persieve, what you achieve and how you do things, and that individually as a concept will have you showing up and acting in a different way that feels aligned for you. And with the belief that that's going to grow your wealth. You can't really go wrong.

So I want you to leave me a comment underneath this video, wherever you're watching this, if it's on my website or on YouTube, and let me know.

A - Have you experienced a state of wealth, and therefore a state of not wealth. Do you understand the level of difference between a state of wealth, and a wealth consciousness,

B - If you were acting from alignment, if you truly trusted that doing what feels good, by acting from alignment by showing up in a way that was aligned for you and everything that you're doing is supporting your greatest good, to grow your wealth. What do you now know what can you now choose to what's going wrong that makes you feel more powerful, or if you fully trusted in it. What would you be doing differently, right now?

So leave me a comment below or feel free to just not leave a comment, and go ahead and journal on this like or write it down, it's really important self exploration to do. If you liked this video, I would love for you to like it, and to share it and watch some of my other videos too there's, there's lots on this YouTube channel as well. If you want a free gift from me or book, How to create anything that you want. Go to my website Hayleycarr.tv/gift, receive incredible things for me every week, including gifts, like free coaching and things like that, but also it's going to teach you the four steps to creating anything that you want and that's free from me, so leave me a comment, do some journaling, share the video. I'd love to hear your thoughts, and I will see you soon.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Remember, Stay Curious, Stay Open - the life you crave is so much closer than you think.

Love, Hayley

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