Episode 79 - 7 slow-living business practises to increase your profits & productivity


Episode available 6 September


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The idea of slowing down in business might seem counterintuitive since we’re constantly told that hustle culture is the only way to succeed—work harder, push faster, stay on top of trends, and never stop. But what if the secret to long-term success and fulfilment lies not in speeding up but in slowing down?

That’s where the concept of slow living comes in—a philosophy traditionally tied to personal lifestyle but one that has profound impacts on business as well.

By integrating slow living principles into your business, you can create sustainable growth, increase profits, and maintain balance without sacrificing your well-being. Let’s explore how this holistic approach can transform your work, productivity, and results.

What is Slow Living in Business?

Slow living, in its essence, is about aligning your actions with natural rhythms, both in life and in business. It involves doing things at your own pace rather than forcing outcomes through relentless hustle. In the context of business, it’s about working smarter, not harder, and being intentional with your time and energy.

While hustle culture tends to glamorise constant busyness and speed, slow living teaches us that success doesn’t always come from pushing harder. Instead, it can come from slowing down, focusing on what truly matters, and allowing things to unfold at the right time. In business, this translates into more mindful decision-making, higher-quality work, and ultimately, greater profitability.

Respecting Natural Cycles

Just like nature has seasons, so does business. There are times to push forward and times to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate. If you’ve ever launched a major project or marketing campaign, you know the energy and focus it requires. But what often gets overlooked is the recovery period that should follow. Instead of jumping straight into the next project, slowing down allows you to recharge, reflect on what worked, and plan your next move from a place of clarity.

For instance, after a big launch, instead of immediately diving into another, take time to review your results and make mindful adjustments. This period of reflection can provide invaluable insights that lead to more sustainable growth and better long-term results.

Mindful Decision-Making

In a world that rewards quick reactions and jumping on every trend, slow living encourages a more deliberate approach. It’s about taking the time to make thoughtful, well-considered decisions rather than rushing just to meet arbitrary deadlines. Mindful decision-making means aligning your choices with your values and long-term goals, rather than reacting out of fear of missing out.

For example, you might see competitors launching new products or services at a rapid pace, but slow living teaches you to assess whether those actions align with your audience’s needs and your business’s capacity. This approach prevents burnout and ensures that every decision you make is strategic and sustainable.

Pacing Your Workload for Maximum Productivity

One of the biggest myths of modern business is that constant work leads to higher productivity. In reality, working at a frantic pace often leads to burnout and lower-quality output. Slow living in business is about pacing yourself—working in alignment with your natural energy levels and productivity cycles. By doing so, you avoid burnout and ensure that the work you do produce is of the highest quality.

For example, if you know you’re more creative in the mornings, schedule your most important tasks for that time. Similarly, if you find yourself hitting a wall in the afternoon, it might be more productive to take a break or engage in lower-energy tasks rather than forcing through high-output work. This pacing not only preserves your energy but increases your overall output and effectiveness.

Sustainable Growth Over Quick Wins

We live in a culture obsessed with rapid growth and overnight success. However, many of these so-called “success stories” don’t reveal the long-term sustainability of that growth. Slow living advocates for a more sustainable, intentional approach to scaling your business.

Rather than striving for immediate expansion, slow living prioritises steady, sustainable growth that is built on solid foundations. This ensures that each step forward is aligned with your business’s capacity and resources, leading to a more resilient business that can weather market changes and personal challenges.

Embracing Work-Life Balance

Finally, one of the most important aspects of slow living in business is recognising the need for balance. Work doesn’t—and shouldn’t—consume every part of your life. By embracing slow living, you’re able to create a business that serves your life, not the other way around. This means respecting your personal time and allowing yourself space to rest, recharge, and engage in non-work-related activities that bring you joy and fulfilment.

Achieving this balance doesn’t mean being less productive—it means being more intentional with your time, both in and out of work. When you allow yourself to rest and recharge, you come back to your business with renewed energy, creativity, and focus, which leads to higher-quality work and, ultimately, better results.

How to Get Started

If the idea of slowing down resonates with you but feels a bit overwhelming, start small. Begin by looking at areas of your business where you can incorporate slow living principles, whether that’s in your decision-making process, how you pace your workload, or even how you manage launches.

To dive deeper, download my Good to Great Guide or explore my Business Housekeeping Checklist. These tools will help you create a more sustainable, intentional approach to running your business. And if you’re ready to fully embrace this way of working, consider joining The Bloom Business Incubator or The Fierce Salon, where you’ll be supported by a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to creating success on their own terms.

Slow living in business isn’t about doing less—it’s about doing things at the right pace. By embracing a more intentional, aligned way of working, you can increase your productivity, boost profits, and create a business that feels sustainable and fulfilling. It’s time to stop hustling and start thriving.


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