Going from good to great requires a new set of skills to what got you to become so good at what you do.



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    There’s a price of entry many say they’d be willing to pay, but few do - and I’m not talking about money.

    You deserve the success you’ve worked hard to create. And you have worked so very hard to overcome what you had to, to make it happen. 

    You love it, too. You’ve got energy that comes from another planet some days, and on the days you don’t, you make it work.

    Your ancestors would be proud as punch. 

    You’re amazing to watch!

    And, you’re knackered. 

    Will you stop? No. But that’s not the problem… Yet.


    The Problem

    The problem is, you can’t out-work not knowing how the heck to go from good to great. To go from where you are now, to where you really want to be… which is still a long way from here.

    There’s something… more, that you want, and you have no idea how to create it. None. Zip. Nada. Or maybe you do… but it feels impossible from here.



    The Desire

    More of the same might actually kill you. The thought of it makes you a little queazy. You’ve got to psyche yourself up to the idea but there’s never been enough hype in the tank to take action. 

    “Maybe it's a sign”, you think. Maybe I should just be happy with what I have.

    And it’s starting to feel like you’re going around in circles.

    A cycle of wanting more, no, craving it - not wanting to lose what you’ve got, knowing that just pushing harder isn’t the answer, not knowing what the answer is, thinking it's all too hard and daydreaming about buying land, tending to cows and being a SAH tradwife who bakes excellent treats and always has good hair… trying to tell yourself it’s fine, just enjoy what you have, but it’s not really fine, you’re getting… bored… and dizzy…



    The Craving

    Secretly, you’re nowhere near where you know you can go. You’re craving so much more depth. Adventure. Passion. Richness. Tastes. Textures. Smells. Authenticity. Freedom baby. To go where you want, express yourself fully (you have things 👏to 👏 say 👏)  

    Who are we kidding. You’re craving to completely break free. Your real goals aren’t the kind of thing you drop in a convo at brunch. They’d make you sound like a complete wayne-kerr. 

    But what got you to where you are is everything you were taught to create “traditional” success. Nothing wrong with it, except… it’s boring now. 

    So where to from here? Do you blow it all up and move to an Island? (maybe, actually), but not too fast.


    Going from good to great requires boobs. 

    (Or balls. Or ovaries. You get the vibe).

    It’s risky. It requires a leap in your thinking, your action, and your self-confidence. You have to be willing to give up good. That feels… dangerous. 

    (Knowing you though, you’ve lived a little dangerously at times and lived to tell a few tales!) While it does scare you a bit, there’s a little flicker of absolute ALIVENESS you can’t deny. And you’re getting close to the point where you no longer care about being good. It’s probably more tiring than the amount of work you’ve put in just thinking about staying the same.

    What got you here won’t get you there. Except, some of it will. Not the bits you’d expect though.

    There are things you’re avoiding, things you foresee breaking if you don’t switch gears, and things you’re unwilling to give up, and things you’re sick of doing. But you’re not sure how to make it all work together, what to ditch, what can stay, and what else to add without blowing it all apart unnecessarily.


    You need A personalised strategy, a community who “get” you, and a coach who knows what doing the impossible takes.

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      The Good to Great Guide will open your mind, settle your stomach, and give you the clarity required to plant your feet in the ground, face the right direction, and back yourself into the unknown. 

      It’s a short, bold audio series personally created by Hayley Carr, just for you. After sixteen years and thousands of clients coached on this exact topic - from business owners to athletes, coaches, performers and creatives all over the world - I’m here to tell you even the unknown has its predictables. 

      In the Good to Great Guide, I’m laying out what they are so you can get where you’re going feeling better than ever.

      And the best bit? It’s free.


      About Hayley Carr.



      Ex interior architect, and former athlete turned life coach. I’m in the business of happiness, and helping people create wealth. Sometimes that looks like getting an executive or employee into alignment with their value in the world so they can be paid more. Often it’s helping business owners take their experience to a new level where, when their businesses are a reflection of their deepest, highest, fully-expressed happiness - abundance always follows. 

      I’m the creator of The Business of You, the popular course for service based businesses, solopreneurs and artists, Founder of Be Your Own Coach NLP Immersive, and Head Mistress of the International Women of Mystery, as well as the creator of many other courses and group offerings such as the Fierce Salon, and Superabundant.  

      I live in a riverside cottage in the hinterland of the East Coast of Australia, and I spend my days drinking tea, swimming in the river, and having epic conversations, with folks all over the world, on high performance in their respective walks of life.

      Bloom is an extension of The Business of You. It’s the next level of taking what we know about creating a business from the heart of who you are, and turning it into a perfect symphony that continues to grow.

      I truly can’t wait to do this with you! 
