Life is Like the Ring

Be your own coach - Hayley Carr - Leadership coach

There are moments in life when things can become abundantly clear, our priorities are aligned and purpose is reframed. 

The news of a baby on the way, the death of a loved one, an unexpected diagnosis; these are the life altering events that, whether we’re ready or not, will completely change the shape of our hearts and cause us to reflect on what life is all about and the way in which we want to live it.

But why wait for those monumental moments?  Why not reflect now and live the life you’ve always wanted to live? 

It’s easy to be complacent when life keeps ticking along but in reality, we have no idea what will happen next.  There is no time for apathy.

When I was in the ring as a world champion martial artist, I was acutely aware of the three minutes I had to fight.  The pressure was intense to say the least.  Everything I had worked for, the blood, sweat and tears poured into thousands of hours of training, paying my way to travel across the globe all for the purpose of those three minutes.  In life, there’s no opponent and no timer but we don’t know when something could kick us in the guts and make us grateful for everything that we have now.

Life can change in an instant but you don’t have to wait for those moments to review your life and start being the person you want to be. 

In this episode, I challenge you to question your mortality, open up your mind to new possibilities and start being comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

So buckle up.  This is a big one.


NLP Training:

The Fierce Salon:

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Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.


Hayley xx