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2 Insider-Secrets from Marie Forleo that Changed my Life...

... and My Work Every Day.

Howdy! If you want to love the job you have, start a new creative project, enjoy your own company more, take off on an adventure, or start a new life for yourself in any way through business or new insights, you're going to love today's tips.

Marie Forleo taught me 2 (+1 extra) tips back when I did B-School (for the first time) in 2012, that have helped shape and change my life every single day. It's what keeps me productive and moving towards the big things that are outside my comfort zone, and kick any negative habits or limiting beliefs to the curb. (What a legend!)

Check out the video below, (and keep your eyes peeled for my excellent Irish Accent!)

You'll Never Feel Ready to Get Going on the Biggest moves of your life.  So Feel the fear, and start anyway. @hayleycarrtv (Tweet it!)

Here is the content form the video

I'm talking about two destinctions today that changed my life and changed my business. Now if you're not in business, and you don't want to be, these two distinctions are going to help you love your life and love the job that you're in.

So pay attention because they're disappointingly simple but oh so effective when applied in helping you shoot forward fast, as most of the best advice is.

I learned these two distinctions, from one of my favorite mentors from business, Marie Forleo, founder of B school, and my hero. There are two, well there's a few, but these are two key distinctions I always pick up on, that Marie filters through everything she teaches,….

…that resonates so hard with me that as soon as I apply them my life instantly became everything that I wanted it to be.

They became an expression of me and were able to be done from anywhere. Do you want to know what they are?

(The following offer is no longer available)

All right, I tell ya, but before I do, you got to know below this video is a link to a very special free business training that she's giving away that she has created just for you. And just for a limited time, with everything you need to know about B School and what it takes to start and become successful at doing online business, so make sure you check it out below, it's way more valuable than a lot of the paid trainings that I've taken.

1 - All right, distinction one straight from Marie, the world needs that very special gift that only you have. In other words,

Be you

Really! When I used to work in my corporate job as an interior architect, I used to work in an industry with people who are way older than me and way more experienced than I was, I started to stress over every single decision I made. Every email that I wrote every phone call where I had to pick up the phone, I stressed that if I didn't get everything right and if I made any kind of mistake that people were going to find out that I was… like me.

And then when I really thought about it, I remembered why my boss gave me that job in the first place, even though I was only in my second year of university and I had way less experience and skills than everyone else she interviewed, because she liked me. We got along, we could have a conversation. I was just being me in the interview in my relationships, I did the same thing.

For a long time, I was with a beautiful man who was 11 years older than me. When we first started dating, I was so paranoid about how much younger I was than all of his friends. I was worried that we wouldn't have enough in common because we weren't in the same life stages. What if we didn't like the same music? What if I couldn't hold a conversation? What if it was just awkward?

Then I remembered that all of those things were not the reason why he liked me in the first place. It was because I was me without all those things.

Same with business, even though I've had a ton of success in my life from a very young age, being a 21 year old life coach…. ‘come on that's stretching it a little bit.’ I thought I had to act older, dress older and be really like businessy for people to want to work with me. It wasn't until I gave that shit up and I became unapologetically me, even to the point of leaving my country, because that's what I felt like doing, that my business naturally took off and it felt easy for the first time in my life. And the reason was or is because I was just being me.

So whether you're looking to start your own business or you just want to love your life a little bit more and make things easier. This rule applies. Be you, be all of you, be unapologetically you not everyone's going to accept that and that's okay.

They don't know for you, Maria always says you and your personal blends of talents passions and inspiration and experience was put here for a reason, and you are not here by mistake. Sounds like that, it gets you exactly where you need to go, being yourself is your biggest thing. That's why you're here, in this job in this relationship. In this moment,

2 - Marie's distinction number two,

Start before you're ready.

This was a big one for me… wanna go for your dream job, start your own business, write a book travel overseas, learn a new language, lose a bit of weight, start dating again. How about take off to another country on a minutes notice and never coming back, like ever.

Waiting until the time is right, is a form of resistance and a fancy form of procrastination. The truth is conditions will never be perfect for you to step outside your comfort zone, you will never feel like you have enough time on a creative project, and even the most successful people never felt ready when they started on their life's greatest work. Neither will you, so get going.

I had this grand plan at the start of 2013 that I would get my shit together and then maybe halfway through 2014 I would take a little trip overseas to see if I could test out being location independent, and then maybe come home for a little bit, think about some more, and then think about it some more, but with Marie's words ringing in my ears.

When I got the opportunity to take a flight to New York in 10 days time, knowing full well I was never going to be able to prepare myself the way that I wanted to, in that amount of time, I realized that all this preparation that I thought I had to do was just me putting off my dreams, because quite frankly they scare the shit out of me.

It was the biggest decision of my life and I was putting off having to make it because I was gonna leave some people behind. So before I was ready, way before, I booked my ticket. And you know what, I could never have been ready for all the magical things that happened on that trip, because most of the stuff that I thought I had to prepare for. I couldn't comprehend, without engaging in the activity in and of itself.

I'll give you a sneaky little third tip here;

Marie always says clarity comes from engagement and not thought and she's so right.

It's the best advice I've ever been given, if I didn't get on that plane a year ago, my life would not be where it is today and it was honestly like the fork in the road, if I thought I would have to be ready before I started doing that, I wouldn't have left and I probably would not be leaving for a long time. So I want to send you a sweet little reminder, those things that you really want to do, those things you've been thinking about, those kind of scary things, you'll never feel ready to do them. So, feel the fear and start anyway. (The remainder of the content refers to an expired offer)

Don't forget to take action now after watching this. I'd love to know - and why not declare it to the online world here - what you're going to start before you're ready. Doesn't matter what it is! It could be the house-work, or filling up a bottle of water... Point is, take action and engage...

Thanks for being here.

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.

Love, Hayley x x

For information about Marie Forleo B School click here

Note: the offer on this video is no longer available but Marie has lots of free tools and resources available.

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