You’re a CEO now, solopreneur.

It’s time to start thinking like an owner, not an employee.

The Bloom Business Incubator is a nine-month (burnout-informed) group-coaching program designed to help solopreneurs + service-based business-owners think like CEO’s, so they can understand the mechanics of an operating business, hit the milestone of making $5-$10k a month sustainably, and continue to predictably grow their businesses making every decision from a strategic, grounded place.

This is Hayley Carr in two poses - thinking - this about the Bloom Business Incubator group to help you grow your business and be more successful.


Another month bites the dust.

You work hard. No one can fault you for that. You wear all the hats and make sure you’re spinning the plates as best you can. You show up, even when you don’t feel like it, to do thing you don’t love doing,  implement the marketing tactics you would rather roll your eyes at sometimes, and do everything you can because it’s all part of the business. You do all this, outside of the hours you spend actually getting the work done that people pay you for - and it's overwhelming to say the least. But it’s what you have to do, right?

So why isn’t it getting any easier? 

Where is all the money? When do I get to take a holiday where I don’t have to stress about having wifi? When do you get to feel like all this effort is paying off, because right now it just feels like either a really expensive hobby, or the hardest working job you’ve ever had. Why didn’t you get the damn result you were promised if only you followed the steps?

Month on month, you do what any committed business owner with a mission would do.


But when the next marketing trend arrives, and everyone you follow is hawking it like they’re selling souvenirs outside the pyramids of Giza like it’s The! Way! and every fibre of your being is saying, nope, you question yourself.

Am I not cut out for this? 

Firstly, yes, you are cut out for this.

Secondly, as a service-minded creative entrepreneur with a big ‘ole heart-led reason why you’re in business, you were born for this. What you do makes a difference and I don’t have to tell you that twice. You know it. 

Your ability is not the problem.

The problem is you’re flying blind.

Hey! I’m Hayley. 

I help people go from good to great. Sometimes that means working on your mindset and thinking bigger, but when it comes to getting your service-based business to the point where you’re making $5-10K a month consistently, it genuinely means up-skilling and falling in love with the mechanics of business.

The  Bloom Business Incubator exists to teach and coach you on how to be a business owner, while you run your business.

Most business owners start their businesses with no business education. They’re really good at what they do, and they think that will be enough to create a successful business. 

It is not. Being great at what you do needs to be the foundation, yes, but it’s not a strategy robust enough to build a business that is profitable through the seasons and actually feels good to run. You need to be able to adapt to changing economic conditions, a growing marketplace, and the unexpected twists and turns that can change the way your business needs to operate when life throws curveballs. 

When the money doesn’t come rolling in, or it stops suddenly and you don’t know why, you need to understand the big picture of business so you know where to look, and which levers to pull, fast. It will save you time, energy, guess-work, throwing spaghetti at the wall and a lot of money. 

Understanding the mechanics of a business helps you do that.

In order to become a successful business owner, in love with the business side of your craft, you need:

  • A timeless map of business you can lean on for the remainder of your career 

  • A method for making strategic decisions that suit you, today

  • Accountability and mindset shifts to help you ease into the right actions & do them consistently

  • A coach who “gets” you, and the moving parts of a service based business, and knows how to help you make this work, your way.


“…when I want to shift my thinking,

break a paradigm, try something new…”

“I popped into the biz incubator last fall just to shake some things loose, and it was the perfect mix of strategy and "don't over think this, go for what you want" loving nudge. I launched a group I'd been holding back on for years, hit my numbers, didn't over analyze any part of the process (ahem, Virgo Capricorn here so that says everything).”

“If you're on the fence, only YOU can give yourself permission to do what you need to do... empowerment is an inside job.

But if you want some help with framing your steps, broadening what's possible, and/or simply having someone in your corner you can trust,…

… there are not many people I trust more than Hayley.

Sandra Halling


Entrepreneurs are like athletes.

Forget the circus. Entrepreneurs are the real Cirque de Soleil. Flying high with big ideas, unicycling around mistakes and kinks in the road while juggling their schedules and plans, traversing the globe for the best way they can solve problems, performing death-defying stunts that would make their mothers nervous (why don’t you just get a real job!) and risking it all for the dream they hold in their hearts. 

But business isn’t a fight in the ring, a race, or a football match against anyone else. There are no winners and losers. We’re all on our own ‘soleil’ stage, the competition is you. It’s an infinite game, with many small games played in symphony every day. Each one contributes to the larger, holistic well-being of the business itself, and its owner.  

If you know the parts, and you know how they all work together, much like an athlete, you know what to focus on and when so you can stay in the game, playing at your best, for as long as you decide. Comparing yourself to, learning from, and competing with, nobody but you

Employees, and anyone great at their craft are usually employed to do one thing really well. And that’s what they do. But when it comes to running a business, that great craft quickly becomes an expensive hobby if you don't understand - nay, love! -  the business side of the trade. 

To have a successful business doing what you love, you need the two parts:

1. To be really good at what you do.

2. To fall in love with the business side of what you do.

The business owner needs to take a 30,000 ft view over the entire business, to steer every action and decision closer toward its greater vision. If nobody is steering, it can’t survive the storms.

Most of us know the value of stopping to take stock, But we rarely do it like our businesses depend on it.

Bloom exists because it does depend on us taking stock.

You can’t afford to think like an employee when you’re at the helm of the show.

It’s time to go pro.

The great news is, it’s so much fun when you know how.

Why I might be the coach for you: 

If we’ve never met before, I’m so glad you’re here.

I’ve been in business as a coach for sixteen years, working full-time for twelve of those years. And my business strategy was “winging it”, but I didn’t know.

Once upon a time, I was an interior architect by day, a Karate World Champion by night, and an occasional actress. Employed by someone else to draw beautiful houses as my day-job, then literally fighting my way to the top on nights and weekends. At one point, I quit my interiors role and went to work full-time in sales for my martial arts club while I transitioned into coaching - and all these roles taught me incredible skills I still use today.

When I transitioned into coaching, my coach trainer gave me some stellar advice on how to get started working in my own business, I took it, and ran with it.

My work as an interior architect gave me some great skills in branding and making things beautiful, my brief stint as an actress gave me some on-camera confidence, my martial arts career gave me connections, credibility, courage, and some amazing sales-training.

You could say I was well set up with skills I’d need as a business owner, outside of the trade of simply doing my business - because I needed and used all of those skills. And I was. 

I relied heavily on my trade as a coach as the reason people kept coming back or telling their friends, and slowly building a booked-out word-of-mouth coaching practice, using everything I knew to my advantage.

I felt really lucky that I knew a lot of people, and built my business through my connections, and could turn my hand at a lot of the odd-jobs required to make things happen quickly - I designed my own first website, edited my own you-tube videos, made my own logo, did my own sales and copywriting (still do), sent my own invoices, I did it all. When things were difficult, I had the natural mental toughness to work through the challenges and get through the discomfort.

But I had no idea that the constant low-key stress about where the next client was coming from wasn’t normal. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

One day, about six years into being in business, I learned about the practicality of cash flow from a mentor - and it twigged that there were things I didn’t understand about business that were actually holding me back. It changed my life, actually, because for the first time I realised it was OK to relax - I had enough money coming in! 

Once I realised I had a gaping hole in my skill set, that was it. I devoted myself to learning everything I could, and thank goodness I did. In the years that followed, that knowledge was put to the test due to the nature of the changing marketplace, my own personal challenges and changes, and an unpredictable, fast-moving global economy. 

A decade later, I won’t ever stop learning, but I have developed a serious passion for supporting service-based business owners to gain the knowledge that took me so long to find, in a way you can apply practically, not theoretically. Knowledge that can both take your business to new heights when you choose, create consistent income so you can free up your time and energy, and respond to challenges and changes quickly and strategically.

The Bloom Business Incubator is ten years of education, and sixteen years of devoted coaching practice rolled into an educational mentorship program.

If you like the idea of being coached, at the same time as being educated, at the same time as putting what you learn into practice in the real-world, and knowing how to do it on repeat, I think you’ll love the Bloom Business Incubator.


Consider the Bloom Business Incubator like your Board of Directors. 

Bloom is a hybrid mix of business coaching, strategy, accountability, epiphanies, and supporting you the human at the helm, to becoming the very best steward of your time, energy, money, strategy and heart.

When you’re abundantly clear on where you’re going, you’re also clear on what’s not for you, and you have a consistent group of people to remind you of that. Making decisions becomes easy, and fast. Knowing exactly what to do is second nature. Your time, money and energy are utilised well.


Here’s how we play: 

We meet once a week, tea and croissants in hand, if you fancy, for three weeks of the month. Over the nine months we work together, you’ll get well into the habit of taking time to work “on” your business, and understand how to  use your time and energy doing the right things for you - through making strategic, data-backed, and long-view decisions (and I’ll show you how). 

We’ll specifically work on this in three ways: 

  1. Your Education

No more flying blind. I’ll teach you what you need to know. First, about the big picture of business, and how all the moving parts operate in symphony together. Then, how to pull certain levers at certain times to both build and stabilise your business with the 30,000 ft view (this will save you so much time, money and energy), and finally, for each of these parts, we’ll go into how you can improve them, strategically, to get better results.

  1. Your Mindset

Based on my research, what I already know about you is this: there are things you’re avoiding, and some really great stories you’re telling yourself about why that’s ok - like financial reporting, and utilising technology - but in the long-run it’s impacting your confidence as a business-owner. I also know that a lot of the business “advice” you’ve received until this point hasn’t felt right, and that’s because when you can’t see the big picture, you spend your days putting out small fires and reacting. Bloom will change that, and it starts with the most important six inches of your life - the ones between your ears.

  1. Your Habits & Systems

It’s time to go pro. With what you will learn, and what you’ll start to think, you’ll start to behave differently. You know though, its not about massive action, its about micro-actions done well, and done consistently. The success of a business over time relies on the owner making success a habit, and implementing systems so it’s automatic. Bloom will show you how.

Whether you’ve been in business for a while and you’re ready for some fresh clarity on your next level direction to consistent, reliable income, or you’re sprouting above ground for the first time, Bloom will take you from where you are, to where you want to be. 

And like everything we do in my company, the insights are universal. You’ll pack them into your favourite vessel, and take them with you and use them - again, and again, and again for the rest of your career.

This is Hayley Carr in her office relaxing, Opening then door - thinking - this about the Bloom Business Incubator group to help you grow your business and be more successful.

What’s Included in the Bloom Business Incubator?

Three intimate group coaching calls per month, for nine months. (Value: $19500)

This is where the magic happens. Each week we jump on a call for hot-seat coaching in small groups, at two different time slots to accommodate your time zone. Bring your goals, your challenges, your wins and your burning questions and watch your fellow Bloomers get coached alongside you to breakthrough and take their next actions. (Calls are held on Thursdays at 9am and 3pm Sydney time, starting 10th October 2024.

2 x private 1:1 Coaching Calls with Hayley Carr 

Use this time to clarify the most important parts of your business to focus on first, create clarity on something new, or be coached using one of my coveted coaching tools to help you quickly break through something you feel stuck on.

Daily Coaching and unlimited access to our private online community Platform hosted on it’s very own app (Value: $4997)

Clients find so much value in having a space to ask questions and process thoughts between calls, with the support of your coach in your pocket. Nothing is off the table with our conversations, and clients report this is almost worth as much as the calls themselves.

WeeklyHolistic Check-Ins & Individual feedback using our signature Personal Weekly Review System (Value: $3000)

You’ll receive direct feedback and coaching from Hayley on your specific coaching goals and action steps, as well as develop a practice for your own self-leadership and reflection to take with you long after the incubator is complete. Clients use this system to support them in getting the most out of the experience because it prompts deep, critical and perceptive thinking.

Lifetime access to the Bloom Business Incubator Library (Value: $12000)

This is a growing collection of tools, templates and resources designed specifically for growing businesses as a touchpoint for navigating the moving parts of your business, continuing to upskill, and making sure your decisions are strategic (not flying blind!) and your ducks are in a row.

The total value of this program comes to over $39,000. The total value of the program over the lifetime of your career, when you apply what you learn and build off what you create? Much more. 

We know when you’re not yet making consistent income, the cash you have to invest in your business is… not easy to come by. That’s why we’ve crafted this experience to be as accessible as possible, without removing your ability for 1:1 feedback and attention.


Business Incubator Topics: 

  • We’ll set you up with how to make your business flow around your life, Not the other way around. I’ll also introduce you to the seasonal goal-setting practise that will transform the way you think about time in your business.

  • A Simple business equation, and the 30,000ft view that will transform how you look at business forever. This resource that you get to keep, will help you figure out exactly what your next move is to continuously and sustainably grow your business for life. Plus, it includes over 100 next bold business moves to stoke the fire. You’ll never be lost again for “how to do it”, starting from exactly where you are - no matter where that is.

  • A very sexy, simple, and smart technique for understanding Cash, Cash Flow, the timing of your marketing, and the overall picture of your business at any moment. This is a tracking and measuring strategy that will set your business apart.

  • The simple steps to track your results so you can see where the best place to make decisions lies in your business. This is the official end of looking at other businesses, guessing, and replicating their strategies hoping for the same results. Your data will show you exactly what your next move is to yield the best results..

  • Crafting an experience that will have your customers repeat-purchase with you, for not only the results, but the experience. This includes crafting high-end experiences for your clients & customers, and how to structure packages, programs, and offerings to stand out in a crowded market, without having to be loud.

  • You will have a very different take on this after what you learn in week 2 of this Business Incubator, and we will make strategic decisions that align with everything you’ve worked on already.

  • The most valuable asset in your entire ecosystem.

  • After we talk about authenticity, it’s going to be the most luxurious, enjoyable thing to be visible, and to connect with your ideal customers through one of the oldest ways we know how.

  • Learn to sell, without needing to be pushy, or “salesy”. If you’ve ever wanted to raise your prices, or offer a higher-priced menu item, there’s a way to do it right, leaving clients feeling grateful they get to work with you in this way. Some say this session is worth the entire investment for Bloom itself.

  • Leadership, launching, and hiring. How to begin to leverage your time, energy, and impact with your choices.



“The Bloom Business Incubator is blooming magical! I am in the beginnings of my business. I went into the incubator with a vision, I came out blooming! Not only did I create my first client and begin coaching, which is beyond what I dreamed it would be.
I have had more fun with my children, greater connection and intimacy with my husband, had the privilege of being in the company of and getting to know amazing women, and I am loving the life I am creating and crafting for myself. It’s reached into my bones. Like I said, blooming magical!”
— ~ Rebecca Thomson
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 The Bloom Business Incubator runs for 9 months

Starting September 27th 2024.

Biz Checklist Cover.png

Your Investment:

Click the payment type of your choice to get started.


Click the payment type of your choice above to get started. Or click below to pay in USD.




About Hayley Carr.

Ex interior architect, and former athlete turned life coach. I’m in the business of happiness, and helping people create wealth. Sometimes that looks like getting an executive or employee into alignment with their value in the world so they can be paid more. Often it’s helping business owners take their experience to a new level where, when their businesses are a reflection of their deepest, highest, fully-expressed happiness - abundance always follows. 

I’m the creator of The Business of You, the popular course for service based businesses, solopreneurs and artists, Founder of Be Your Own Coach NLP Immersive, and Head Mistress of the International Women of Mystery, as well as the creator of many other courses and group offerings such as the Fierce Salon, and Superabundant.  

I live in a riverside cottage in the hinterland of the East Coast of Australia, and I spend my days drinking tea, swimming in the river, and having epic conversations, with folks all over the world, on high performance in their respective walks of life.

Bloom is an extension of The Business of You. It’s the next level of taking what we know about creating a business from the heart of who you are, and turning it into a perfect symphony that continues to grow.

I truly can’t wait to do this with you! 

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“The Bloom Business Incubator taught me things about myself and my business which I didn’t even know existed.”

“In particular, learning about Cashflow has been a game changer for my nervous system, and the marketing and sales pillars I’ve taken-on since has given me so many new ways to support my craft being seen and picked up by those who need it.

Thank you Hayley and thank you to all the beautiful women who were a part of the container I was in.”

Forever grateful x

~ Arianna Pienaar

If you’ve scrolled this far, read every word, and haven’t hit the button to book your seat and join me yet…

I get it. It’s a huge decision. Investing in yourself and your business before you’re making consistent, reliable income can seem totally irresponsible. Especially if starting this business in the first place already feels risky enough, or you have people in your life who feel like it’s a risk.

I’ve felt like that too. In fact, I’ve worried about whether or not it was going to be worth it every time. And if I’m honest, sometimes I don’t know if it was worth the risk.

What I know is this: 

If you’re committed to making this work, and you know you have a gap in your knowledge because you’re not yet making good income consistently, you have a few choices:

  1. Ignore the gap, pray the economy either gets better or never changes, and your tik-tok dancing will save you. Push harder with what you know and avoid getting a real job until magically life turns around.

  2. Go back to school, learn the concepts, then try to apply them on your own later with little to no help

  3. Or, Learn from someone who is actively operating well beyond this level, apply what you learn in the field as you go, in a safe place where you can test things out with feedback, surrounded by a support network and a coach who believes in you. 

Really, what’s the safest choice?

If it’s worth committing to, it’s also worth… 

  • Giving yourself as much support as you can to make it happen and increase your chances of success.

  • Stepping out of your comfort zone to pursue it. 

  • Investing in mentorship from those with experience in playing at this level

  • Listening to your intuition and trusting your instincts

  • Surrounding yourself with a supportive network


Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Coaching is a transformational skill-set which yields the power to transform the planet. We are committed to welcoming you into a diverse, equitable and inclusive space, here in The BLOOM BUSINESS INCUBATOR.

Whether you identify as a LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, or marginalised member of our global community, no matter your opinions, preferences, and  situation, you are welcome here.

To aid our commitment, we welcome scholarship applications to take part in this coaching experience. Our scholarships are designed to support marginalised folks who would otherwise not be able to take this course, to change their lives and impact those in their communities and sphere of influence.

If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please click the button below, or reach out to and we will send you an application form.

Please know that while we do not get everything right, we are constantly seeking to learn about the impact and changes we can make in this space.


"Hayley Carr is one of the most powerful women I have ever met. She is also one of the most extraordinary coaches I know.”

~ Rich Litvin


“Genuine transformation that allows you to take your life to the next level”

Working with Hayley didn't just change my life, it helped equip me with vital skills to continue to transform and align my life from here on out. The greatest gift I received from our time together (so far, because I'll definitely be back), was the relaxation I've felt in my nervous system knowing that I get to create the life of my dreams, while being true to myself and my authentic nature.

For years, I thought I had to be "more", I thought I had to go faster, I thought that my life was frankly "not enough"... all which created stress and anxiousness in my nervous system, thus thwarting my attempts at meaningful, nourishing change. I continuously apply what I've learned to my life, and feel like I'm unstoppable.

I feel calm, inspired, creative, and practical in creating my version of the most delicious and aligned life. Not only that, but as a coach myself, I learned so much by watching how Hayley does her thing coaching and running her programs, and of course through being coached by her. Hayley shows up 110% engaged and ready to get down to business, she really is a cut above the rest when it comes to leadership and high quality coaching.

I'm walking away from the Fierce Salon feeling so resourced, empowered, in my own lane, and like I know exactly what to do next. I have skills and tools to keep my life unfolding and blooming in a way that feels thrilling, inspiring, creative, and most importantly... true.

All while owning the f out of my big dreams.. it's been such a gift. I can't wait to get back into her world and go even deeper! Work with her if you want genuine transformation that allows you to take your life to the next level again and again and again, in a sustainable and repeatable way. It just keeps getting better and better.

~ Jerrica Norton

(Fierce Salon Client - The Fierce Salon and Bloom are two levels of the same mastermind. Bloom is focused on Business specifically, The Fierce Salon is the “playing bigger” part)


This is for you if you…

  • Have a beautiful mission or intention for your business. Often born from a powerful experience that changed you, and will help so many others. You’re not just in it for cash, it feels like your purpose - but you’re also clear that this is not a charity.

  • Are ready to go pro. Maybe it’s still your side-gig right now, and you’re hesitating making the call about quitting your job. Maybe you’re just starting. Or maybe you’ve been at this a while, but it hasn’t created the traction you’re craving yet. You might even be at risk of questioning if you’re even cut out for this at all...

  • Tend to avoid the boring, technical, or if you’re honest, uncomfortable things. Maybe the numbers scare (or bore) you. Or you deteste technology and are determined to find another way. Perhaps you hide far far away from sharing yourself anywhere someone who knows you might see. Maybe you just cannot get behind the idea of selling.

  • There’s something you feel like you’re missing. But you don’t know what you don’t know. You’ve taken courses that teach you snippets, and you’re realising it has more of a band-aid affect than a sustainable impact on your bottom line.

  • Want to see it all from the “30,000 ft view” so you can make “proper” decisions.

  • Are feeling like everything is urgent. There’s so much to do, you don’t know where to start. It feels like there’s a mountain of work ahead, you’re being pulled in all directions, and you can't afford to stop and think because you’ll drop the ball. 

This is not for you if:

  • You’re in need of, or want constant hand-holding. Occasional hand-holding? Yes. Accountability is something we do well here, and this is a high-touch experience, but ultimately, you’ll be coached to get this done yourself so you walk away knowing you can, without me. 

  • You’re unwilling to stop and take a breath amidst the panic, change up your thinking with support, and believe the good things people say about you.

  • You don’t like being uncomfortable, and you’re unwilling to be open to coaching around it.

  • You’re more focused on resources than being resourceful.

  • You take no responsibility for your own circumstances. (I sincerely doubt this is you if you’ve read this far!) 

  • You know joining is going to cause significant financial stress. (This should not prevent you from paying for your basic needs)

  • You do not have a sense of humour. (If so, it’s not that you’re not welcome here, it’s just that you may be offended by how much I crack jokes at things we’re supposed to be serious about!) 

Are you Ready?


 FAQ’s - check them out!

  • Here are some ideas, but this list is not exhaustive.

    • Coaches of any kind

    • Therapists

    • Interior designers

    • Consultants

    • Trainers / educators / course creators

    • Artists

    • Body workers / massage professionals

    • Personal Trainers / movement practitioners

    • Anyone with a personal brand

    • Home organsiers

    • Dog trainers

    • Nutritionists / naturopaths / wellbeing space services

    • Medical professionals

    • Real Estate Agents

    • Meditation teachers

    • Photographers

    • Virtual assistants

    • Social Media Managers

    • Membership owners

    • Sleep Consultants

    • Web Designers

    • Financial Advisors

    • Creative entrepreneurs

    • Aestheticians

    • Home organisers

    • Marketing Professionals

    • Actors

    • Performers

    • Authors with a personal brand

    • Circle-holders

    If your profession is not on this list, and you're not sure, please reach out to me at so we can discuss it.

  • You may be better suited to the Fierce Salon, which is a mastermid for folks who are ready to go from good to great.

    The Fierce Salon and Bloom are companions, Bloom would be your first step so you understand all the steps and pieces that make a business tick and apply them so you can make consistent income, but when you’re ready for more and you dont know how, that’s when you’re ready for the Fierce Salon.

    Find out more about The Fierce Salon here

  • The Bloom Business Incubator runs for 9 months Starting September 27th 2024.
    Nine whole months.
    Long enough for three seasons to go by, within which we set goals, learn about our ambition vs actionability levels, work towards your most impactful outcomes, you have time for life to happen and still come out well on top. It's been designed to support you really well.

  • Calls will be held three weeks of each month, at two separate time slots to accommodate for our global community. These times are Thursdays 9am and 3pm, Sydney time. (AEST) You will be sent a calendar of all the call dates when you register, and you can decide which time will suit you best.

  • Calls go for 90-minutes.

  • There will be no more than 10 people on each call.

  • That’s not going to be the same answer for everyone. Your results will very much depend on where you’re starting, the resources you have available, your willingness to be coached and take action, and many more individual factors. The great news is though, Bloom isn’t a generic program where nobody will notice if you are or aren't showing up. There’s no hiding, and you will be coached to create the most impactful results based on your goals, in the most efficient amount of time.

  • No! If you’re just beginning, and you have the skills, you can use this space to focus on making your first $5-$10k in a way you can repeat.

    That being said, if you are already making money but you know you have a gap in your knowledge, this will help you stabilise your income before going to the next level -and it’s smart to do so.

  • While there are no guarantees in life, I will guarantee you this.

    I know beyond a shadow of a doubt how powerful and transformational my coaching is. With over a decade of experience working full-time as a coach with high achievers, and a deep passion for ensuring everyone I work with gets what they came for, (another reason why Bloom is a small group), I will hold you to your highest potential.

    I guarantee that I will show up 100% for every time we meet, and deliver to you what you most need to hear in each moment. I am not here to impress you, or fluff around the truth.

    I can also guarantee that if I know this is not going to work, I will tell you.

    I promise to coach you in a way that makes you feel heard, seen, and looked after beyond your expectations, and to hold you accountable to be 100% participating full out during our time together.

    We also have a very powerful self-responsibility motto: "If you don't get at least 10-20X your investment back in insight-value that you can apply for the rest of your life, you didn't go deep enough".

  • Payment plans are made 30-days apart on either a 10 or 15-month agreement.

  • Absolutely. Click here to book a call with me if you’re on the fence and you have more specific questions. I’ll help you get off the fence, and make the best decision for you, either way.


“Working with Hayley upgraded my life and business in the most amazing ways…

I am now working less, making more, and thriving in ways that have made me feel more alive than ever before. If you're considering investing in Hayley, it's a hell yes from me.

She'll bring your inner Superfreak to the surface and support you to create anything and everything you've ever wanted.

Thank you for it all, brilliant Hayley Carr.”

~ Sammie Flemming (Fierce Salon Client)

(The Fierce Salon and Bloom are two levels of the same mastermind. Bloom is focused on Business specifically, The Fierce Salon is the “playing bigger” part)


“Life is not the same…It helps you to find who you really are & how you best work in the world.”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the Life is not the same after the Fierce Salon. It helps you to find who you really are and how you best work in the world. It helps you to understand what you desire, and how to live out those desires in your own unique way.

Hayley is a master at holding space, coaching and leading you toward your most glorious self x

~ Kate Brookfield (Fierce Salon Client)

(The Fierce Salon and Bloom are two levels of the same mastermind. Bloom is focused on Business specifically, The Fierce Salon is the “playing bigger” part)