#Superabundant Affirmations Card Deck



52 money affirmations to inspire you this week, and every week of the year. Thoughtfully curated, designed and printed through small businesses in Australia.

Superabundant Affirmation Card Deck By Hayley Carr  (2).jpg

The Superabundant Card Deck


A few years ago, I created a course on money, Superabundant.

This course was based on the years I had spent behind closed doors with clients, coaching on all manner of topics - which ultimately led as a biproduct to my clients making more money, and creating new experiences of sustainable wealth in their lives.

The course is a distillation of the most impactful habits, beliefs, insights, practises and practical tools anyone can use to completely upgrade and transform their experience of making, keeping, and growing their money, and overall wealth - without sacrifice, or scarcity thinking.

During the course, I spent time supporting students to reframe their most challenging ideas about money, into new ways of thinking and behaving that feel better to hold and look at the world through. It’s only one part of the course, but it’s a potent one - your mind, after all, is the greatest asset you have in the sustainable creation of anything you want.

These cards were crafted intentionally from that moment. There were over 200 new affirmations and beliefs curated for the students to keep, and use, and these cards are the top 52 most popular chosen affirmations and reprogrammed beliefs around money, turned into a gorgeous, physical resource you can hold, hang up, and take with you.

Students use them in all different ways: hang your favourite ones up on the wall to see in your favourite place, pull one card each week and focus on it for the week, or one card a day, you can even read the entire deck daily and let the words seep into your subconscious.

They’ve travelled all over the world now, and they’re a staple on altars and bedside tables, a tool in womens circles, and a private reminder that in any moment, you can shift the dynamic of your whole world.  once just as gifts for the students of the course, and

Use them in a way that works for you, and let them support you in doing the work of conditioning yourself from a subconscious level to think like the “healthy wealthy” - meaning, folks who have a sustainable, grounded, and massively abundant way of doing life, and/or business.

I hope you truly love them, and take one for you, and that you’ll find reason to buy one someone you’d love support in becoming superabundant together.


Hayley x x