Become a BYOC NLP Affiliate


G’day! I’m so excited to hear you are interested in signing up to become an affiliate for my BYOC NLP program. It’s a true testament to the life changing impact of this work.

To help guide you through the registration process to officially become an affiliate, you’ll find everything you need to know below - this will also be emailed to you upon registration along with some promotional graphics and resources. 

There are no requirements for promoting the program, I only ask that you share your honest thoughts and feedback about your experience. One of the biggest compliments you can give me, is sharing this work with those you know and love - and that is the basis of this affiliate program.

If you have any questions at all, email


Pricing Info

The commission amount for each customer enrolled will be $500 USD. Please note - the payment amount will be the same, regardless of when or which payment option the student enrols with.

We will be operating on a when we get paid, you get paid system, the finer details on this will be provided once you have registered.


We will be paying commissions via PayPal through Thrivecart. In order to get paid, you will need to connect a PayPal business account once you have registered.

Cookie system

Your affiliate links use a first-cookie system and expire after 6 months. When a customer clicks your link, a cookie is stored in their browser tying that customer purchase to you so you are awarded a commission for the sale. 

What this also means is that if a customer initially finds out about the BYOC NLP program through you via social media or word of mouth referral, following the link to view the program on their phone. But then later uses their desktop computer to sign up by going directly to the website, we have no way of tracing that commission back to you.

It is important to educate people to use your link. We will NOT accept any registrations that do not come via the direct affiliate link - this is your responsibility to track and communicate with your referral.


Be Your Own Coach Immersive will be open for enrolments between November 21st and December 15th 2022.

We will have an early bird period at the beginning of the cart open for 10 days, more info will be provided.

The next intake will begin January 16th 2023.


You can view our Affiliate Agreement here, you will be required to accept these T&Cs during the registration process.

How to registeR

We use Thrivecart to accept payments and this is where you will join, provide your details, get links to share with your people, keep track of who has signed up etc.

Again if you have any questions email and we will get back to you ASAP.

I’m so grateful to you.

Love, Hayley xx