Who or what is a Superfreak?


I’m back and I am so excited for you to join me again. 

Life has been busy and I hope you have all been doing well.

For those of you that have been following me for awhile, or are familiar with my work, you’ll know that the term Superfreak is one that I use often. 

So what does it mean to be a ‘Superfreak’? 

Superfreaks are not in a particular demographic, they are in a particular psychographic. It is a mindset within a type of person. 

Superfreaks are intensely curious about the world around them and love to be challenged. 

Superfreaks often live on the fringes and outside of the norm, they are deep critical thinkers and wish to see the amazing results they have in one area, in every area of their lives. 

These are the wonderful people I coach and I often find it incredible how they have such an insatiable drive to perform in every aspect of their lives. 

Remember, you are not a freak… you are a Superfreak!

See below for a full transcript.

Don’t forget to go to the bottom of this page and let me know in the comments any questions or what you think or just share the love on social. Thanks

Transcript of Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome back. You could call this season two, you could just call this a continuation of the podcast if you haven't been listening for a while and didn't even notice that I took a break, but I went away and got married to my love and it took me a couple of weeks off podcasting weeks no, I've taken months off podcasting, and now I'm back. You know what I love so much about this way of connecting with you, is that it's timeless, so I can take a bit of time off and years later, you're not going to know and I love so much about that. That's what I aim to do inside of this podcast is give you timeless classic insights that you can apply no matter what time of year it is, no matter what year it is at all, no matter what you're doing, where you are, what you would want apply it to.

My favorite thing about universal insights, which is what I call them, is that once you learn them from one specific area of your life, once you learn an universal insight from one theme of your life, something that's occurred and you get this distinction, this lesson, this realization. If you can make it universal, if it applies in that particular area and works 100% of the time, you can then apply it to other areas of your life.

So universal insight, is something that's so quite highly chunked, as we call it in NLP, it's so vague, yet so specific that you could place it as a filter over any decision that you need to make, any problem that you're trying to solve, any challenge that you're confronting, anytime there is a fork in the road, you can apply this distinction, this universal, insight and it will support you, to speed things up, to move things through to get yourself out of a funk, to move through challenges, to make new decisions, to come back home to what is the universe true for you.

That's what I love about universal distinctions, which is why, and in a years time you are not going to know that I took some time off, but I took a couple months off and had a great time. I will do a podcast about getting married during the pandemic, and we actually had the wedding at our house, we built the venue. There was a lot of stress in the lead up because we had major floods three weeks beforehand, and there were lockdowns and all kinds of things going on around us but we managed to pull off the most epic day. Thank you to everyone who sent all of the beautiful comments about the wedding. I'll come back on and we'll talk about it at some point.

So, what I wanted to talk with you about today is really, what is the Superfreak. This podcast is called Superfreak, I went straight into the deep end with you and started talking about the insights that I speak about with the Superfreaks that I coach every day, and I realized I haven't really even spoken to you about what a Superfreak actually is and how I would define a Superfreak so I'm going to talk with you about that today.

A Superfreak to me is, well it's the type of person that I coach. I work with a very specific type of person, it's not like a demographic. They don't live in a certain place they live all around the world. They have all different skin colors they have all different religions, all different sexual orientations, from all different countries, all different kinds of jobs, all different ages.

Everyone is quite diverse, when I say Superfreak it's less of a demographic than more of a psychographic, it's like a mindset, within a certain type of person.

And the way that I would define a Superfreak is such a niche area, that when I'm speaking to a Superfreak it's like they feel seen and heard, in a way that they've never really felt seen and heard until they meet someone else who's just like them. And I, you know, I want to say that, I love the term Superfreak, and I started calling my clients Superfreaks, because often times when I've met them, they felt a little bit more like a freak than anything, like a freak in not a good way. It's a really beautiful and endearing term to call someone a Superfreak. To kind of highlight that, our differences, and our diversities and our quirks and our weirdness is not a downfall, which is often what we grow up believing, is that there's something seriously wrong with me. It's about turning the things that we think are our weaknesses into the greatest foundations for strength.

That's where the name Superfreak came from. You're not a freak you are a Superfreak, which kind of changes the energy of it a little bit.

So I would describe a Superfreak, as somebody who is intensely curious about the world, often living on the fringes of where I guess the majority of people sort of think, questioning everything, eternally curious, living outside of the norm, a Superfreak is someone who loves to be challenged, they love, critical thinking, they love love love love if someone says something to them and it turns their world upside down,…

… and then they go on a bender, for a few days, thinking about all of the things that have just been said to them that have turned their world upside down and tried to recalibrate to a new way of thinking that now encompasses this new thought. A Superfreak is somebody who becomes insatiably curious about bettering themselves about becoming the best that they can. They're also not affected, their energy is not really affected by what's going on in the world, like they have this capability to focus on staying powerful and staying strong and staying focused, no matter what drama is going on in their life.

Now, a Superfreak is not always perfect at this. Sometimes I will coach somebody who's really really really really really incredible at their sport. Like an absolute unstoppable, unbeatable force, force of nature, in what it is that they do, their work, their sport, something, yet can't hold it down in a relationship, or something's going on in their friendships that they may feel incredibly alone, something like that.

So it's not that a Superfreak is necessarily the most well rounded person but they are someone who's willing to learn, and wants to have, and this is the key:

Wants to have the kind of epic results that they get in one area, in every area of life and…

I know without a shadow of a doubt that that's available for all of us.

So if you resonate with the word Superfreak, I would say that you are one. Oftentimes you have grown up thinking, like I said, something's wrong, I'm missing something, I don't particularly fit in. Sometimes we've made that mean a bad thing, sometimes we've made it our thing, but it's a way of speaking about yourself, positively.

So, I would call a Superfreak, someone who is a high performer. However, they're often a deep critical thinker as well. And often the deep critical thinking can prevent someone from actually seeing themselves as a high performer. Because when you are a deep critical thinker, you can see very clearly, all of the ways in which you are not yet where it is that you want to go, and can be quite critical of ourselves. It's not what critical thinking is, critical thinking for me is being able to think outside the box and look at the opposite of what it is that you believe and see if it's true and, you know, test your thoughts. But critical minds are critical speaking to yourself, they can be quite critical of themselves and feeling that they're lacking in performance, because of their deep thinking I cannot see how what they're doing every day is such high performance because it feels so normal to them.

So oftentimes when I say you're a really high performer to someone, they secretly feel like they're so lazy and they're disappointed with themselves, and they beat themselves up on the inside because they know that there is so much more available to them. Even though a lot of the world around them tends to think that they're hyperactive or really successful, they've got their shitake mushrooms in a row. Inside, a Superfreak can often feel like, oh, there's just so much more that I want to release to the world, or do in the world, or I'm really successful at this thing but I'm starting to get caged by it because I'm really good at it, and I'm bored right.

So, like I said a Superfreak is someone who loves to be challenged, they're often quite intuitive person and sometimes, I'll go so far as to say, they're highly sensitive. Although that term gets a little bit misconstrued and misunderstood in the world because highly sensitive people aren't necessarily the type of people who just can't take a joke and they're allergic to everything.

A highly sensitive person is someone who can see long into the future and to see the potentiality of what could go wrong and they're quite intuitive in terms of deeply processing, what can happen…

…which is why I said a deep critical thinker. Like processing things on a really deep level, it's just a different way of taking in information, a different way of thinking about information, a different way of dealing with stimulus in our world. And that high sensitivity, again can be seen as like a negative thing, or seen as a positive thing, for example, high sensitivity can feel really negative when you feel like you're overstimulated, and you can't deal with the world and you get headaches and you feel like it's all too much for you, and you feel too much and it's a real burden, but a highly sensitive person is often really good at their craft and what they do. They make an art of it, it's really artistic they operate in such flow because everything that is unnecessary gets cut out so that they can do the thing.

Highly sensitive people are extraordinarily talented at what they do, and this is where the term Superfreak comes from because we can find critical ways to look at ourselves in so so so many compartments of our thinking, in our being. But we can also find the permanent, positive traits of who it is that we are, and that's what I'm focused on all of the time. I'll tell you something else too. When I work with Superfreaks who, like the world is like that person is a Superfreak. I don't know how they do what it is that they do. I don't know how they keep winning all the time, how they make it look so easy. Like, even in slow motion, they still look relaxed, like there's not one bit of stress in this person's body. How do they do it? When all of the odds stacked against a person and how do they rise above it? A Superfreak can do that, a Superfreak can completely transcend fear, doubt, insecurity, noise, pressure. In fact they perform the best when the pressure is high.

That's what I love about coaching Superfreaks. Because often, a Superfreak is somebody who you can give like one tiny, teeny little insight to, that means nothing to a beginner. It's the most insignificant useless piece of advice that you could give to a beginner, but to Superfreak at the top of their game.

It's like telling them to breathe, slightly differently, which has them hold their body in a slightly different way, which shaves off 20 seconds off their time. It's huge.

So I love coaching Superfreaks with a tiny little universal distinctions that change our lives and I believe that this podcast is my way of sharing what those tiny little universal insights are, you know, without me having to share the private conversations that I'm very privileged to have every single day, but also in a way that I hope is palatable for you.

One thing that I do know about Superfreaks though, is that, this is what fascinates me the most about Superfreaks: Oftentimes, the highest performers, they have this insatiable drive.

The reason for their drive, it's fueled by a significant moment that occurred in their lives.

Maybe it's a great loss. Maybe it's a great realization, or a chronic illness. Like something can happen to a person and it completely changes the way that they look at the world, it completely gives them a paradigm shift on how they see the world, and they can draw on that for perspective. And I believe that it's not necessary to have gone through some kind of hardship or horrible thing in order for you to have that.

It's another reason why I love sharing the insights of this podcast to help give you those shifts, without you having to wait until the Mack truck enters your life and,…

…you know, sideswipes you for a little a bit, but to really be able to apply those distinctions and those insights, before there is any pain, when it's not really necessary so you can start thinking differently, before you need to.

That's one of the things that I have found with every single Superfreak I've ever worked with at every level, there is something that they can say was a moment they can pinpoint in their lives and everything changed. Something that they come back to that they draw upon, something that gives them perspective, in moments of doubt and fog and fear. It could be the death of a loved one, it could be something that seems like everyone has gone through it,…

…but to them it meant something significant, and incredible and they did something with that new meaning, and it's forged a new path of their life for them and now they have come back to it.

So I find that really, really endless and fascinating about Superfreaks.

So here we are, however long we are into hosting this podcast, and we're talking about what a Superfreak actually is and I do also believe that...

if you are even listening to this podcast, it's likely that you already are a Superfreak in the making. If not already living as one..

… so I hope that this has served you in terms of feeling a little bit seen and heard and understood of course I could talk all day about what a Superfreak actually is, getting to know them for so long. But yeah, it just gives you a little bit of insight into where I'm coming from and why I pick the distinctions and insights that I do pick to share.

It's all to serve you in supporting you in turning the things that we think are pain and pressure and things that are wrong with us into something that is absolutely right, our greatest advantage, our greatest pleasure, under pressure, really making lemonade, wherever we can.

So hope you enjoyed this episode today friends, I am so glad to be back. I just realized as I'm recording this for you that I'm on it. I'm on a completely new set up right now because the night of our wedding, my laptop died, and I had to order all new equipment, because it was so old that nothing actually plugged into it. When I ordered all the stuff so it feels all shiny new. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this episode and I'll see you on the next one.

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.


Hayley xx