What Surfing has Taught me about Life - Part 1

Hayley Carr - Life Coach - What Surfing has Taught me about Life - Part 1

Hola Hot Stuff! While the summer months have been blazing here in Sydney, Australia, I decided to finally get my jiggle on and stop complaining about how crap I am in the surf, and also, stop being scared of big waves.

While I am not quite there yet, doing things differently this year has taught me some valuable lessons - which I will be sharing with you over a 3 part video series here on the blog.

First lesson? Trust. Oooooihey, it was a big one. One which I am still practising every day in ALL other areas of my life. The same fear that can spike on the top of a wave, is the same fear one would experience right before stepping on stage to do public speaking, or making their first sales call (or 10000000000th sales call!), or calling up that guy or girl to ask them on a date, or... you get the picture?

Trusting in yourself, and what's "meant" to happen, is muy importante, and, as my lovely friend Katie from Free Spirit Girl would say, what's meant to happen, is also none of your business. You just have to trust that its all going to work out well. When you do, your entire experience is different.

"A miracle can be defined as simply a shift in perspective." Gabrielle Bernstein

So by focussing on trusting the process rather than trying to control it, in this case the wave, when that was impossible, I was able to get results. Trusting eliminated the fear.

You need to trust in the process of life that everything will be OK. Try imagining that it will be OK. For example, imagine your partner, boss or coach whispering in your ear -you have a 100% guarantee that everything will be fine. You program how you feel and then act as if it is true.

Maybe that's what its gonna take for me to ride that 6ft wave by the end of the year!

Take a look at todays video, and ask yourself, leave me a comment somewhere on the blog or on facebook, which area of your life are you going to start trusting in more, that everything will be OK?

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.

Love, Hayley xo