Posts tagged elite performance
Anxiety: Gone in a Heartbeat

Needless Anxiety. Neurologically, there's something that's causing you to have these thoughts and feelings. A few butterflies in the tummy are a good thing. It means you're living at your edge, and you're about to expand.But when butterflies turns to bricks, we're letting our internal world run wild, and possibly work against us.

Next time you feeling anxious about something I want you to stop and ask yourself something and then do this process.

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Watch This Video if you Need a Wake-Up Call.

I had just spent a week in a country where people really do feel stuck. If you have food on your table, your health, a roof over your head and the internet you have everything you need to do what you want.

Don’t wait for the universe to slap you on the face. Don’t wait for permission to start.

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