A Belief is a Belief...


…how to change your world

Be your own coach - Hayley Carr - Leadership coach

We are unlimited by nature. Humans are made of an unlimited source which means that infinite possibility is available to us all.

So why do so many of us experience lack? Perhaps you struggle to get on top financially, maybe you’ve never been able to find the right person or things just never seem to go right for you. Wherever your lack, it all comes down to your beliefs.

In this episode, I discuss how your beliefs create your reality, whether you’re conscious of it or not. I talk about limiting beliefs, how we subconsciously search for evidence to confirm those beliefs and how this perpetuates the cycle of lack. 

Some beliefs don’t serve us and once you understand the power your beliefs have, it’s a crazy simple hack to turn your entire world upside down.

I share some keys to help you shift your beliefs and therefore change your life story.

As an NLP practitioner I am constantly filtering and listening for people’s model of this world that they are giving away with their language. Our beliefs are our convictions that we hold to be true in this life. Our commitment to our beliefs often stops us seeing the opportunities that are right in front of us that are evidence that the opposite is true. If you think that you are limited you have a limiting belief.

When you understand that

some of your beliefs are limiting, like believing there is no one out there for you and…
some beliefs serve you well, like believing that it is safe to ask for what you want, or that you are worthy,
you start to understand the power of beliefs and can start to change your model of this world.

Ask yourself - are your beliefs serving you right now? There is a lot of conviction to keeping things the same, protecting and defending our limitations because this is what we know. We do this because it is scary to think that the opposite could be true. Many of us believe that change is difficult.

Shifting your beliefs starts with exploring where there might be evidence of the opposite of what you believe being true. Finding this evidence interrupts the way you see the world and you start to interrupt the solidification of your entrenched beliefs. You start to find evidence of a different story and the more you start to believe that new story the more you start to rapidly transform your experience of the world.

If you are going to tell yourself anything, tell yourself a better story, then ask yourself - ‘if this was really true how would I be living my life?’

The belief change process - informal

  1. Identify a belief that does not serve you or is limiting

  2. Start looking for evidence that the opposite of your belief is true

  3. Tell yourself something better

  4. Search for evidence of that

  5. Start acting as if it is true.

In my NLP training, Be Your Own Coach, I teach the formal and informal ways of shifting your belief system so you start to experience something different in this life - it is fascinating and exciting to see these types of breakthroughs with my clients.

Are you ready?

Don’t forget to go to the bottom of this page and let me know in the comments any questions or what you think or just share the love on social. Thanks

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.


Hayley xx

P.S. Here is the NLP course you have been waiting for…

A Neuro-Linguistic-Programming Coaching Certification with Soul.

Let me help you make every year, for the rest of your life, better than the last - no matter what happens in the world.

I invite you to come and check out Be Your Own Coach NLP Immersive.

In this 10-month long container, I’m going to be showing you just how to master the landscape of your inner world. I believe NLP is the best kept secret in high-performance. It’s the foundation of my coaching practise, and a place I return to for more depth and understanding of my own human experience.

It has changed my life, and the lives of many others.

And now, I am teaching it to you.

Check it out information on the NLP Course here.