Posts tagged Time Management
10 Productivity Hacks for Freedom of Time at Work

I’ve managed to develop my own individual rhythm for living in a way that allows me to delve into all my passions in a nourishing way, and as I’ve shared this with my clients - I’ve enjoyed watching them too, start owning their lives differently, and the effect it has on their overall happiness, and their performance at the task at hand.

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You'll Never Have Time If You Keep Making This Mistake

I used to live with a consistent heavy knot in my stomach. I was a high achiever, who took pride in taking on, and successfully completing, a lot. Which means I took on a lot. It made me feel great to have a full, busy life with lots of aspirations.

I realised the constant knot in my stomach was linked to a feeling of anxiety around not getting things done, or, things going wrong.

Here's a simple, effective change you can implement now, that's going to revolutionise your experience of time:

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