Posts in Coaching and NLP
How to Change Someone’s Mind

I’m going to challenge you yet again to EXPAND YOUR THINKING.

At the moment there seems to be many polarising opinions and a divide amongst the human race. So what do you do to get someone else to see your side?…. But perhaps the answer is not so much about convincing the other person of your truth, but about evolving beyond arguments and debate to a space of safety and mutual understanding.

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Life is Like the Ring

There are moments in life when things can become abundantly clear, our priorities are aligned and purpose is reframed.

But why wait for those monumental moments? Why not reflect now and live the life you’ve always wanted to live?

Life can change in an instant but you don’t have to wait for those moments to review your life and start being the person you want to be.

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Help! Lost my Creativity (A Guide)

So how do you fire up creativity when you’re stuck between four walls?

Here are some really practical tips on how to find that spark again, even during this crazy period of a global pandemic. You’ll also learn an invaluable tool to reignite the state of creativity within your body.

This is something that, if made a habit, will completely change the way you function as a creative being.

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Rising to the Occasion vs Sinking to the Level of Your Training

You shouldn't have to put more effort in when it matters.

It SHOULD be easy. Normal. Flow. Quick-draw. It should be your every day normal….In this video, I explain why you experience fear of success of being a fluke, and not being able to repeat it - and how to set yourself up so when it matters, you're just being you, and it's easy…. even when the proverbial hits the fan.

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Magical Motivation Time

The truth is, people who perform at the top of their game don’t wait for motivation. They ask a more powerful question.

In this episode I’m going to break down the mythical creature of motivation and give you four powerful and practical tips that you can implement in your life. You’ll learn about the importance of visualisation, trusting in your intuition and how to ask yourself the right questions.

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