Re-wire your money Genetics &

Be Your Own (money) Coach.

Believe it or not, your ‘money stuff’ - isn’t just about money.


I know, it sounds completely bonkers, and you might even be cynical - thinking what you’re looking at here is a fluffy, impractical self-help mental-masturbation affirmation station. But read on, my accountant agrees with me - I’ll show you how & why you’ve been doing the ‘money mindset’ thing all wrong, all along - and you’re going to start seeing big changes in the way you show up when it comes to money.



Sign up to the waitlist by clicking the button above, to get 20% off when we open again!

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Imagine finding out that you’ve been unknowingly carryinG a giant CONCRETE BLOB in a backpack OVER YOUR SHOULDERS since BEFORE YOU EVEN REMEMBER - that you didn’t even know YOU WERE WEARING…

And every bit of success you’ve created up until right now (big, small, or glorious) was harder than it had to be… and again, you didn’t know.

If it was actually achieved while hauling the invisible attaché everywhere you went.

Well, we all have one of those. It’s called the subconscious. And it works both for us, and against us, in all the ways, without any thought. But when it comes to money, that shit runs extra deep.

Now, Imagine what it would be like to take it off. The backpack I mean. Full of the awkward memories, past failures and false-starts, core memories that stunted your ambition, the moment you decided to set a limit on your dreams or your income, worries & fears that don’t feel good or safe but seem logical to worry about because it’s what the news says to do. Things you you push to the back of your mind every time you’re setting a goal, or taking a risk, or setting a new standard. And that rear their head when it looks like things could go wrong! “Told you so!” Things that make you hesitate to say “yes” to yourself, and things that make you waver in confidence if it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen when you want it to.

Poof! Gone.

To just leave it there on the side of the road, for good, and get on with your life? How much lighter and easier it would feel? How much faster you’d move. How much more productive you’d be. Not to mention how sexy it feels.

This is what we do in Superabundant, with all the money “stuff” you didn’t even know you had. (Even if you’re feeling pretty flush with cash right now! There’s always another level to go.)

It’s time to supercharge your abundance.

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Most of us start with this curiosity… Is it really possible for you to transcend your (very human) hangups, anxieties and fears around money, at every level - for good?

To both… get out of a pickle when the pressure is high,

& not buy into the idea of an upper limit when things are going well?


Maybe you’re also…

  • Done with having perpetual fear or worry about the future - even with money in the bank - not only because you're not sure if what you want is possible, and inflation is so hot right now, and there never seems to not be something awful going on in the news - but also, every time things are going really well, you start worrying that something bad will happen! Does the cycle ever end? Maybe you’re ready to change your nervous system response to thoughts about money and the future to something regulated, and fantastic - no matter what the news says.

  • Stuck in the same mindset & patterns & habits you learned growing up, which are in conflict with where you want to go from here. Living out the belief systems, patterns, and stories of your parents, the people who raised you, from the time or environment in which you grew up - and not even knowing what to think instead… and you’d like to feel free to be yourself, do your ancestors proud, and yet not become “one of those people” you don’t like when it comes to money.

  • Getting a sense that you're missing something in the "making money" or “financial freedom” department. Secretly jealous and insatiably curious of people who have the money and the freedom they want, and especially when they’ve got a story to tell about how something drastically changed for them to get there - but that same work doesn’t seem to work for you? How did they afford that?

  • Ready for your own breakthrough. To face the parts of yourself you may or may not have realised are holding you back from having what you want, and to take the time to gently and bravely move through it in a way that feels good to you and your nervous system.


I get it. I’ve been there too. And do you know what? It’s not your fault.

In my fifteen years of coaching, and having the privilege of working with people at all levels of success and all walks of life - from beginner business owners, to multi seven figure entrepreneurs, stay at home mamas to professional athletes, corporate high flyers and wall street traders to artists, healers, psychologists, full-time carers, doctors and teachers… one thing has become abundantly (*scuse the pun) clear:


Money-Fear doesn’t discriminate.

But it is optional.


Call it what you want: money stress. Anxiety. Worry. Doubt. Imposter-syndrome, attitude or a lack of confidence. Even the worlds best money advisers, planners, accountants & investors know (and agree): without dealing with your mindset when it comes to money, it doesn’t matter how sound the advice is: you’ll sabotage. And with a solid mindset, it doesn’t matter how bad the advice is, or what the economy is up to: you’ll succeed.

The space between your ears is the difference that makes the difference.

Money stress doesn’t go away just because you have more money, and when it rears it’s pesky little head, it will totally eliminate your ability to see the opportunities that surround you in every moment (yes you, right now) to completely change the trajectory of your life as it stands, and solve problems as they arise, or when the proverbial hits the fan. Your nervous system response is wired. It’s the one thing we share across the unfortunate class system that still exists today.

But it doesn’t have to be this way at all.


We’ve been going about this “money mindset” thing all backwards…


Problem #1

We make money different to everything else.

When it comes to love, we all know it’s not really about the person you attract, it’s about you, loving who you are enough to set boundaries and standards, and work on your inner world, what you can control. When it comes to health and transforming our bodies, same deal. Sure we might get caught up in a diet or exercise for a while, but at the end of the day we all know, for it to be sustainable, it’s got more to do with your inner game. Same with work! We know that while you need some skills to get the right job, it’s not really just about the skills - because we know enough dummies who got the promotion.

So why do we think that if we just try harder to be positive or more organised when it comes to money, somehow, magically, cash is going to overflow in our bank accounts, and fears will disappear?


Problem #2

We’ve inherited unhelpful meanings, beliefs & assumptions about money that we’re basing our decisions on.

(Add 10 crap-tastic points to those meanings if you’re a woman or person of colour, too!)

For example: If I had just come out of a relationship with a doorknob of a human and decided that “all men are horrible doorknobs”, (which would be silly but it’s what happens) you’d be safe to assume I’m not going to find my Rip-Wheeler in shining armour and experience great love any time soon, am I? Without processing what happened, looking for the gold, learning from the past and then leaving it in the past, I risk looking at everyone through the “doorknob” lens, and seeing everyone as a doorknob.

We tend to repeat what we know.

So why don’t we question what we think we know about money? We base our current money decisions and moves on past experiences, and even our parents' past experiences? Why don’t we question first?


Problem #3

We think more money will solve the problem.

So we diligently create more credibility with more certificates and education. We put in more effort and determination. We work harder, stay later and go longer. We start side-hustles and scale businesses. We buy courses on manifesting. We sell more. We make more money. But we all know the story of the fisherman on the beach.

So why do we still feel so stressed out - even with more money in the bank? Even with successful businesses, pay rises, windfalls of cash and surprise cheques in the mail from all our #manifesting?

We think more money will take our stress away, and it’s the biggest bullshit secret lie in the history of money mindset education.

So yes, let’s make you more money because it does make a difference to a point. But wherever you go, there you are.


It’s not about the money, honey. (But we will make you more anyway.)

If it was, it would mean the more you had in your bank account, the more you’d sleep like the dead, make out with your partner like a teenager, the healthier and smarter you’d be, and the richest people in the world would be like saints. But we know that’s not true - because you probably have more money today than at some other point in your life, and you know yourself, it doesn’t remove the stress. 

Sure, money solves plug-hole problems, gives us comfort and safety, but it doesn’t make you immune to stress. Think about it: wherever you go, there you are. If you’re someone who can’t sleep at night because there’s a temporary glitch in cash flow, or you’re distracted with overthinking about the future or inflation or all the ways you can turn your newest idea into a business, guess what? More money will make you a rich person who overthinks and stresses about the future too.


And you’re off the hook, because it’s not even your fault. 

This goes so much deeper than us and our thoughts.

It goes back to before we were born, and often, before our parents and grandparents were born too. We are the ancestors of generations of people who have lived through wars, famine, political unrest, migration, a lack of rights, amongst more. (Again, bonus craptastic fear points if you’re a woman, or a person of colour).


This is about fear. Generations of fear.

Embedded in your DNA, directing and controlling your thoughts and actions before you even know you’re about to think or act. So unconscious, so pervasive, so invisibly dictating your every thought, decision, action and result at the unconscious level it’s as obvious to us humans as air is to a bird, or water is to a fish. It’s “how the world works”. It’s the bit we don’t question. The bits we’ve never questioned if they’re true or not. The things we base our decisions on, that we think are fixed. That’s where it all goes wrong.

And when you start there, the rest is effortless.




Be your own (money) coach.

A 6-week immersion into your subconscious world of wealth.

Rewire your money genetics, transcend money fear & stress for good, (no matter what kind of pickle you have found yourself in) & never again let money be the reason you hold back from anything you want to be, do, or have. Your true nature is limitless.

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Superabundant solves one problem really damn well: Money Fear

It will turn you into a version of yourself you had no idea you were capable of, and accelerate your financial wellbeing like nothing else.


Financial freedom is freedom from fear around money


Financial freedom is freedom from fear around money ~



“Financial freedom is the freedom to be who you really are, and do what you really want in life”.

- Robert KiyosakI

Every limiting belief, strange life choice and self-sabotaging behaviour we have around money can all boil down to fear - whether you want to call it fear or not.

It shows up in the way we avoid looking at our bank accounts, the way we resist taking ownership and responsibility of knowing the numbers, the way we convince ourselves everything’s fine when we feel anything but, and the way we hide in plain sight or stay up at night overthinking, and under-earning. Both action and inaction can be driven by it - and it’s time we made damn sure it never gets in the way again.

The end result is, we miss out on the countless opportunities to totally transform our lives that are right under our noses every day, because fear prevents us from being able to spot them - and I am going to teach you the science to prove to you how to completely turn it around


Superabundant will change the way you think about & interact with money for the rest of your life.

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Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 6 live training sessions held on Zoom which include space for coaching and live questions so you can learn the framework for discovering what your hidden ideas are around money, transcend them with a step by step process as we go, and then know how to do it on your own in the future.

  • Lifetime access to all the course material and any upgrades in the future so you can pay once for the course and get to re-attend for life, and as life shifts and changes through the seasons and years. (We’ve just upgraded our course platform and invited every past student to re-attend live. We have students who have come back every year since the beginning because every year they’re in a different place and want to apply their current-day stuff to the process. It’s an investment that pays for itself forever.)

  • 10+ hours of on-demand Bonus trainings. Think: done-for-you problem solving, application of this work in certain scenarios or workplaces such as network marketers, and making sales (without the cheesy hard-sell), and how to organise your money so you automate your wealth-building (see the breakdown of the lessons below).

  • The Pickle Library: A fast-access resource for moments the proverbial hits the fan and you forget everything you’ve learned. You can keep it tucked away somewhere you’ll remember, and in times of pickle, It will tell you exactly where to go and what to do based on what’s going on for you.

  • Meditations and modalities for abundance and relaxed-receiving, specialised inquiry work for personal breakthroughs you'd expect from a private coaching session with me.

  • A private facebook group for your cohort. This is a shame-free, humour-filled space where we explore the full range of our questions, weird interesting ideas about money, and big celebrations, so you can learn and stay accountable in the group


Here’s what you’ll learn:

MODULE 1: permission to break through.

In this module, you’ll learn the twelve key distinctions we base our thinking around for the rest of the course. I’ll teach you in depth the four meta-phases we’re always cycling through on our journey to “manifesting” anything we want, but specifically with money, and how to spot which phase you’re in at any time so you know exactly what to do from that moment onward and get yourself out of inaction. You’ll love what I have to say about not knowing what you want, too - if that’s what tends to hold you back - we’re going to sort that out straight out of the gate. We’ll also start exploring your money-genetics here so we can start shifting, rearranging and transforming all possibilities right from the start line. (You’ll be blown away by how quickly you see changes you didn’t even know were available with what you learn in module 1).

Module 2: The Quantum Science behind Receiving what you want and how to make it yours.

In this module we dive head-first into the science behind manifesting, and money, and why we just don’t do what we know we should be doing - and also, how to change that. I’m also going to teach you my “ABCDEFG’s” framework to start applying this science to practical action, and share with you the core positive money beliefs that change the way money works for you. (And then teach you how to embed them for yourself, too!) We’ll talk about finding order from chaos, what a quantum leap really is, and what to do when you’re freaking out. Something that our students find super fun in this module, is the live reframing we do with everyone’s beliefs about money - which will teach you how to do this yourself at every new level of money responsibility and freedom. This is where coaching stops being information, and starts becoming a personal transformation.

Module 3: Let’s Get intimate with Money.

This module will make your heart swell alongside your bank account. By the end, you’ll have a totally new understanding of your numbers, what they mean, where you can go, and how to, transitioning through new income levels without stopping or holding yourself back. We’ll talk about manifesting with, and through partners, dealing with obligation, privilege, guilt, shame, bad memories, regulating the nervous system, what to do when you pick up someone else’s funky energy with money (Christmas here we come!), and you’ll start creating a new dynamic with money, that brings a whole new sense of relationship, ease, flow, generosity, peace and joy. (And I don’t use those words lightly!) This is the module where you will start to feel confident, and trust yourself with making, receiving, holding, and using money like never before, knowing it’s here to stay.

Module 4: Rewire your money Genetics.

My friend, it ends with you. In this module you are going to completely shift every single idea you have about money, time, family, yourself, the world, the economy, the government... everything that you know is in the way of you being able to feel calm, confident, and focus on what you want, and where you’re going. I’ll also teach you what patience, true patience and receiving really looks and feels like in action. In this module I’m going deep into the true reason why Superabundant exists - so we can transcend the class system by liberating every rule that exists in our current reality, taking everything off the shelf, and choosing again. I think you’ll find the “class system mindset reset” work a very liberating take on financial freedom.

Module 5: relax: Increasing your Capacity to receive with ease. 

This module is where “backing yourself” hits the road running. Now, we can build on the foundations we’ve intentionally created, and the laws of prosperity fall into place with zero resistance, and so much ease. At this point, money takes on a whole new identity, and we start to see it like a game. This is also where you start to see new challenges arise like, the guilt of having more than others, and what to do with privilege. This is why Superabundant is the kind of course you’ll keep in your back pocket for the rest of your life. Creating wealth on top of wealth, opening ourselves to new opportunities and possibilities, and checking in once again with what we want - my friend, by the time you’re here, I’ll have you so ready for this conversation. ;) 

Module 6: Superabundance.

There’s an energy about a Superabundant woman. She understands her value and place in the world. She’s unapologetic in every way. She can’t be bought. In this module, we’re going meta on Superabundant living, and completely blowing the top off where we think our limits are. I’m going to show you how to continue to expand - beyond what you even know you’re capable of right now, and beyond that some more. This is the module that will crack your heart, mind, and subconscious wide open so the spiral continues upwards, forever. I can’t wait for this moment with you.


Plus, you’ll get these mind-bending bonuses:

  • Network Marketing Masterclass.

  • Making sales on command, without selling, or being "salesy".

  • "Wealth consciousness" for business owners. Being comfortable with spending money when necessary and leadership operations from the feminine.

  • How to deal with money anxiety.

  • Asking for Pay Rises and Increases within the workplace.

  • My Manifestation Practise that works every time.

  • How to deal with, and think about debt.

  • Releasing the fears of success and becoming rich.

  • My Superabundant Meditation album including Binaural Beats Meditations like - How to 10X any given situation, Creating Limitless Opportunities, Receive MORE, Activate your Energy & Refuse to Shrink Back.

  • A wealth Affirmations Audio.

  • Money and the collective energy masterclass.

  • The Reframe Reference Sheet - Your biggest, baddest, oldest and boldest money ideas, reframed in one place for quick reference.

  • Investing with partners and receiving simply for being a woman! (This is a great audio for if you're not currently working, and/or, you don’t want to! You want to manifest money through another source. Oh yes. It works.)

  • How to manage money and organise your bank accounts for the flow of cash to accumulate on autopilot.

  • Important Spreadsheets - made pretty. ;) The numbers stuff you’ll feel sexy about and want to wrap your head and heart around once I’m done with you - speaking of sex… 

  • Sex, and Money. A conversation about how they don’t relate, but they totally do.

  • “Dissolve money problems by Thinking Bigger” guide. 

  • Plus: My personal library of energy shifting resources: The Pickle Library! In this library resource, you’ll have all my favourite money, energy, mindset and bodywork practises all in one place for you to quickly dip into during those moments when you’re in a pickle and you need to “tame the zoo”. There’s no one right way for everyone, so I’ve compiled everything I’ve used at all different stages to manage those moments that are *for real*.

    AND MORE… Every year, this course gets better, bigger, and more abundant!


 When you’re done, you’ll have an actionable, reliable, repeatable framework for stepping yourself through money fear and limits, and to continue to expand into new versions of your financial self - no matter how many times you level-up, or stuff-up along the way.

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How it works:



Know Yourself

Clarity - I’ll teach you the science of how money is affected by your genetics, and how fear is in the way. We’ll clarify where you are right now, and where to go from here, and you’re going to set a solid foundation to grow from.


Trust Yourself

Confidence - This is where we'll do the deep change work to rewire your money genetics, and give you the tools, habits & rituals to keep yourself in solid genetic standing through all the ups and downs.


Back Yourself

Conviction - With what you know, you can take to the world, make the bold moves on the opportunities you’re now seeing (And I’ll teach you how to spot them both consciously, and attract them effortlessly). We’ll also deal with the setbacks before they even happen.

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Transcending lifelong unconscious habitual patterns of fear & stress around money requires specialised guidance. 

That’s why Superabundant exists.

I am not a financial adviser, number cruncher, analyst, or accountant. I’m a professional coach who specialises in the subconscious. This is my world.

Leave the numbers to the numbers people, and the constant mystery as to why you’re not breaking through to the next level when you’re working so hard, or stressing no matter how much money is in the bank, or you cant seem to follow through, to me. Of course it’s not a mystery - it’s your unconscious conditioning. In superabundant we’ll show you what that means, how magnificently you’re wired and how it works when it comes to money, how much choice is available to you, how to access that choice, and how to go from where you are to wherever you want to go - we even help you to transcend the class-system paradigm.

Investing in Superabundant is an investment in a skill for life.

This is a transformational framework, and practise for consistently questioning, upgrading and shifting your mindset, nervous system, memories, attitudes, actions, decisions, emotions, and habits around money now, and any time you are ready to take things to the next level. As well as a community and resource you can lean on in those times you’re in a pickle.

Having someone in your corner when the proverbial hits the fan to help you through, coach you to avoid it happening in the future again, and create new ways of being instead, is always money well spent - and more importantly, time saved.


You’re so much closer to everything you want than you can possibly imagine.

Rewiring your money genetics is the key removing every obstacle you know of, and even the ones you don’t.

Let me show you how to transform from fear, to faith, to financial powerhouse.

It’s time to be your own money coach.


Our 2023 Cohort has Started!

Sign up to the waitlist below to get 20% off before we open for the next round.


Call Schedule:


(All calls will be recorded and made available for you to watch at any time via our course platform - you do not need to be there live to get the full benefit of the course.)


Have any questions? Message me.

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Join the Superabundant Waitlist

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    To be Superabundant means…


    Have healed the money lineage you come from, and you’re re-writing a future with intention. You’re aware that your future is created one thought, action, moment at a time. You don’t get triggered by family “money stuff”. Every feeling, thought, act is an intentional choice made by you. No obligation, anxiety, or fear.

    You feel peaceful and at ease when you are dealing with money - most especially when money is not going to plan. You’re like a calm lake on the inside. You are financially free from fear.

    You regularly allow yourself to go for what you want, try new things, take risks, and go places nobody before her has gone. You don’t skimp on yourself or buy the cheapest thing when what you really want is something else.

    You have clear money goals that both scare and excite you, and require a new version of you in order to achieve them.

    You don’t base your decisions about the future on the past. It’s just data

    You have no stress or fear or shame around debt.

    Your own personal economy (both material and mental) is unaffected by the greater economy.

    You follow a proven strategy for “manifesting” money and at any time you can pinpoint what part of that strategy you’re in so you know what to do next.

    You feel free to excel and achieve without drama, guilt, burnout, sacrifice or stress.

    You don't have physical or mental financial clutter. Your taxes are organised, you have systems for managing your money in both business and personal, you're not avoiding anything, (especially hard conversations), you don't have bits floating about everywhere that you'll deal with later. Your money is respected like a member of your team.

    You feel totally in control of your financial future. You know how to “turn the money taps on” when you decide.

    You have unwavering clarity, confidence, conviction most of the time, and a toolbox packed to the brim full of tools to hold yourself steadily through times of both uplevelling, and dishevelling, with peace, and prosperity - more importantly, you have a habit of using them when you needs them.

    You know the biggest impact you have on the world, and the future is by focusing on doing the work yourself, and you have a regular, enjoyable practice of maintaining your mindset with a step-by-step strategy.

    You have a calm, consistent, healthy and methodical practice of communicating about money with your partner, family, or people you share your finances with.

    You know what your current upper-limit is and you’re consciously either deciding to shatter it and working on it, or, you’re happy with keeping it where it is. You’re not interested in more growth just for ego’s sake, but sustainable, repeatable. desirable growth in line with your values.

    You know your financials inside out
    (numbers like your cash flow, expenses, break-even point, debt ratio, net worth and retirement).

    You have accurate, deep knowledge of how your thoughts, emotions, language, decisions, and actions directly impact and create your world, and you are conscientious of, and consistently working to stay on top of it.

    You have connection to, and trust in your own intuition, desires, and dreams. You let your adventurous soul steer the ship without doubt.

    Money is never the reason you don't do something.

    You rarely get concerned with “how” you will do something, and you don’t let it stop you. You know what to do when you don’t have a “how”.

    You're comfortable and relaxed when receiving. From small favours, to compliments, to wads of cash, to love, support, and big gifts.

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    Hey, I'm Hayley Carr

    And I’m not a financial expert: I’m a professional coach who specialises in the subconscious.

    Before I was a leadership and life coach to superfreaks, I was an 8X world champion martial artist, and interior architect who spent a bit of time doing film & TV acting on the side. (real “straight-line”, I know 🤣) I was also someone who got really, really sick, bedridden for a few years, told I'd never heal by doctors, and then blew everyone away when I made an epic comeback and won my 9th World Title. 

    I'm creating unrealistic, seemingly impossible, how-did-you-do-that-so-easily results with my clients every day.

    It looks like magic... except I'm a sucky magician because I give away all the secrets like free milkshakes. #theybringalltheboystotheyard

    Over the past fifteen years I’ve helped a global collective of clients & students make (and even save) multi-millions of extra dollars - in their own authentic way - as a result of our private work together - mostly just as a side-benefit of whatever we were focusing on in our coaching.

    My clients stopped focusing on the “process” of goal attainment, and started training themselves to think like the person who already easily had what they wanted - and we started to see their results speed up exponentially by removing everything that was in the way to getting to that singular image. But not just that, the ease within which they were hitting the mark was shocking: Instead of clawing over the finish line, the results were so blatantly easy my clients almost felt guilty they weren’t working harder.

    There was no worry that it was a fluke, the results were energising, sustainable, and repeatable.

    And now, I'm taking the best of what I teach on creating the impossible, and freeing yourself from what you can't see is unconsciously ruling your life, in leadership, peak performance, energy, and a holistic winning mindset, and applying it specifically to one thing: 



    This course will teach you to give yourself crazy, unapologetic, permission to have everything you want, to shift out of fear in the moment, and to create the kind of peace we all long for money to give us.

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    1 | It’s focused on the difference that makes the difference. 

    Superabundant focuses on the one key factor most people don’t question before they get to work on their money game, that screws up all your hard work if it’s wrong: Your subconscious money genetics. 

    The bits you’ve assumed are true, that you’re basing big-ass decisions on, that lay the foundations which make or break all your #manifesting efforts. You can’t out-work, out-earn, outsave or marry out of your money genetics. They have to be re-wired. Wherever you go, there you are.

    2 | It’s timeless. 

    Superabundant takes into consideration, and is applicable across the entire spectrum of the wealth creation adventure. 

    No matter where you’re starting, and no matter where you end up, every time you get there, you can whip out your tools and open new doors.

    3 | It’s backed by science. 

    Superabundant has a foundation of quantum physics backing the conversation we’re having about the parts of you you can’t see. Wealth is an art, and a science. We believe that without this foundational knowledge, the work surrounding money and mindset gets a little too woo, and won’t feel reliable and accessible in more high-stakes scenarios. Our clients come from all backgrounds from law, to government, business owners, birth workers, stay at home parents who don’t have income producing jobs, people will chronic illness, athletes, corporate hustlers, business owners and beyond.

    4 | It’s taught by a 9X world champion who made her clients millions before creating this course.

    You’re not an experiment. This isn’t my first rodeo. This course was built after over a decade's worth of clients from all walks of life proved that millions of dollars made and saved happens in the work you do before you even start the “work”. The standard I set for what I teach my students is world class. You will not see me using my own bank account or yearly revenue as a reason you should listen to what I have to say, because it’s irrelevant to your results: but you will hear me talk about my mistakes, (because they’re funny & stupid and we love to laugh) and my expertise: your subconscious mind and breaking through your glass ceiling.












     You’re about to meet your new favourite tool in the garden shed. 

    Superabundant students are the swiss army-knives of their fields

    Backhanding money fear right back over the fence with flick-of-a-finger swagger. And over six live tutorials with me, you get to know just what I mean. There’s a whole new world out there.


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     If you want this to be the year you… 

    • Stop spinning your wheels trying to out-work or ignore your stress, and instead clear the slate of the past - no matter how much is back there…

    • Get total clarity on where you’re going and how you’ll know when you get there…

    • Start Finally seeing those numbers on your bank account screen you’ve been waiting for

    • Really “get” the way the law of attraction was always supposed to work, and start using it to your advantage.

    • Start to #shockhorror - actually start enjoying getting intimate with the practicalities of how money works, and taking full financial responsibility 

    • Learn how to get over and through your money stuff for good… 


    100% superfreaky guarantee. 



    We know you’ll be blown away by the tiny, simple shifts you’ll learn right from the moment your feet hit the superabundant floor. But in case you know it’s not for you, all you need to do is send us proof you had a good crack at the work, and we’ll refund your money in full. 


    You’re ready for this if you are:

    ✔️ Ready to receive like a high-earning woman.

    ✔️ A “long-game is sexy” kinda gal.

    ✔️ Into the idea of accepting help from someone who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.

    ✔️ Clear that part of your work in this life is to be of high service to the world.

    ✔️ Unafraid to go deep into your mindset, excavate & unlearn.

    ✔️ Willing to explore the unseen forces of your sub-consious, and you want to learn how to leverage them.

    ✔️ Willing to take full responsibility (and hence, power back) right down to an energetic level - of creating your own circumstances.

    ✔️ On an influential or leadership path, and wanting to make sure the example you set for the people you affect, is one that powerfully transforms lives.

    ✔️ Looking to develop - and utilise - an edge in your money game. For the good times, and the crashing/inflation/fear-inducing times.

    ✔️ Are self aware enough to see that you still have fear and insecurity around money, even if you make a lot of it.

    ✔️ Ready to release any tension and fixed-mindset you have around money and the future, and open yourself up to new avenues. 

    ✔️ Craving a space where there is real-time coaching, practical action, and tools you can take away to both apply to your own life, and teach your clients so the experience of money and responsibility transforms not just your life, but impacts your community too. 

    ✔️ A smart, curious, creative person, but you’ve learned over time to dim that personality to fit in, and you’re seeing it reflected in your bank account.


    This is probably not right for you if you…

    → Are looking for a purely motivational course.

    Or a purely technical course.

    Need financial advice from a professional planner.

    → Are in serious, crippling debt and are struggling to pay your bills (if so, you need financial counselling, and please watch and read all the free resources available to you instead of investing in this course).

    Want to get rich quick.

    Place teachers on pedestals and expect them to be perfect (because this course is not about being perfect, but knowing where you are is the perfect place to start. I have made so many mistakes).

    → Are unwilling to look at your financial numbers alongside your inner mindset game.

    Are more interested in looking rich than truly being rich.   

    Don’t like being uncomfortable, having honest conversations, or being in spaces where people talk about.

    → Are hoping this course will save you (Superabundant can only show you what to do - the rest is up to you).

    Are already a multi-millionaire and you have no fear around money.

    → Plan on regurgitating this information in another format so you have content to sell for your own business (it won’t work).

    → Don’t want to take action or risk.

    Think that working on your money stuff is for losers or means you must be failing in some way. 

    → Want to keep up with the Jones’ or perpetuate someone else’s idea of wealth.

    Don’t want to think for yourself. 

    You get off on the struggle.


    Let’s Go.



    • Absolutely!! All are welcome here. This is not a secret women’s business only formula. I work with a lot of women, and wonderful men too. We’ve had a few men come through Superabundant already, who have loved it, and who have been some of our most engaged participants.

      I hope you’ll join! It will make such a difference to the people you care about, and the work you do in the world. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions.

    • All I can say is I wish I knew this at the beginning of my own business journey. The highs would have been higher, and the lows would have been shorter - and way more easy to move through. 

      Whether you're a newbie in the game or you're more like a fine wine of your industry, the lessons apply to every level. Once again, if you're feeling called, it's for you.

    • The module material will be taught live over 6 90-minute to 2-hour zoom calls, and then uploaded to the private membership website. Other supporting material is available on this membership site. There will also be bonuses added when the course is complete.

      Anything we share will be able to be found on our beautiful membership site which you’ll have access to upon signup, including any and all upgrades top the course we make over time.

    • No stress my friend, you don’t need to be there for every single call. You’ll have the recordings and the space to ask questions before and after in our facebook group, and there’s time for coaching on every call.

      We’ve tried to set it up as best we can so our international audience can attend as many live calls as possible, and it’s super fun being live together, however it’s not required for you to get the most out of what we’re doing here. What’s required is that you show up, willing to learn, willing to get a little messy, willing to try new things, and ready to do something different.

    • Do this at your own pace whenever you can. You have access to the course forever. Many of our students do what. they can when they start, and leave the on-demand replays playing in the background while they go about life. Make it yours!

    • Yes! I love payment plans! You'll find payment plan options when you click the Join button.

    • Legally in Australia, nobody can say that they do not offer refunds. If you really know this isn't for you after the first 7 days, you can write to us and show us that you've done the work. At our discretion, we do welcome refunds.

      I have a policy with all my clients though. I don't want you here unless you want to be here with all your heart. It breaks mine when people are handed the tools, and then don’t use them. I’m not a teacher who thinks of you as a number, and I will hold you to your agreements. 

      Please do not sign up to anything with me, ever, without the intention that this will change your life, and the willingness to stick it out when things get hard. That’s when the work begins. If you don't feel called to this or totally excited, please don't sign up. 

      Also, if you’re not sure, don’t do it.

    • Only you can do that. (Don't believe anyone who makes those kinds of guarantees, either!). Legally, I have to tell you that these results may not be typical for all students.

      Every testimonial on this page is a real account from a real client who has experienced real results, and it's up to you to take this work and apply it diligently to your own situation.

      I will be there to support you every step of the way. The way I see it - with the way this course is headed and the community we’ve created - the only way you won’t get results is if you quit when it gets confronting.

    • Can I do this if I'm not a coach or in business for myself?

      Absolutely! This is mindset work over vocation-specific work. The principals I am sharing in this course have worked not only for those who take the course, but also for the mothers, boyfriends and best friends of my students, performers, world champion athletes, and many more. 

      I created this course, because everyone I coached - be they sports people, parents, performers, developers, executives, academics, medical professionals and business people - all started achieving incredible new financial results as a bi-product of our personal coaching. 

      This work applies universally to humans, and when you learn it, you manifest money in all kinds of unexpected ways - and affect the people around you positively as well. be careful, superabundance is contagious! ;)

    • Yes! But before you do, check in with yourself. Do you feel like the control is in your hands right now, or is it in your brokers & Your bank managers? How much money do you spend on “advice”, fees, and accounting each year, that makes you no smarter in the long run, and more reliant on your advisors, when the proverbial hits the fan for you to feel safe? How much does it cost you for a broker to tell you where to invest, and for them to make the trade for you - because you don’t believe you’re smart enough to do it yourself? How much would that cost you over a lifetime? How much return would you get on that yearly amount if you invested it somewhere that gave you a 10–20X return?

      Add up the fees. I’ll wait.

      The investment in knowing how to deal with money fear, through every season, and every level of life, for the rest of your life, is tiny in comparison, and will pay dividends for the rest of your life - in the form of saved time and money on not making dumb decisions or handing over your power to the wrong people and learning nothing, the ability to see the endless opportunities available to you every single day and actually recognise them for what they are and act on them - instead of not even noticing them - to taking back your power when it comes to knowing your numbers, staying focused on your own lane, and compounding the effects of your focus.

      You and your capability to deal with the highs and the lows is going to make you millions in the long run.

    • This course will give you some of those tools, like my expense planner and cash flow spreadsheet, and show you the way, but what it will really do when it comes to the action side of things is totally rewire why you’re not taking action in the first place. That’s more valuable than the spreadsheets you’ll get, by a long shot, and will serve you for the rest of your life - money action resistance doesn’t discriminate either! So, yes - you’ll be given some of that stuff, but as I say in the course, it’s all available if you google it anyway, and always has been. Not having that stuff, and even not knowing how to do it isn’t the problem. The problem is a resistance to learning. Overwhelm. What you believe about how smart you are and what’s possible. In dealing with that, you can take the tools we give you, and make them your own.

    • I say this to you the same way I’ve coached stock market mavericks, athletes, entrepreneurs and government executives to get their head in the game when they’ve done everything, and it’s still not working. Yes. It’s your edge when you’ve got the foundations set, which you do. We need mindset, and mechanics. Art, and science. Without the mindset piece every decision you make risks being gilded with white-knuckled tension over how it will fit into your logic. There is so much about this work that isn’t logical - at first, but when you see what the mechanics are, you’ll understand how repeatable the unexpected is. The data can only ever be based on history. We’re here to blow statistics up.

      Also, in case it helps, I’m an eye-roller at some of this stuff too, sometimes. I try to keep it as practical as possible.

    • The course goes into some of these topics so you can get your head around them, but investing is information that’s constantly changing, and dependent on your own financial situation. We do have bonuses like budgets, cash flow spreadsheets and how to organise your money flow so your savings and investments work on autopilot, but more importantly than this (because you can find that stuff on google, all over the internet) - we focus on how to deal with the resistance, avoidance, denial, hesitation, fear, and fogginess around taking the right actions and going to your next level.

      My place here is to help you keep your head in the game. That's my genius, and I point you in the direction of other geniuses so you can make good choices once your head is in the game. Remember - Money is a long-game, and it’s action oriented. You need to have your head right for sustainability, then, you take the right actions and go again.

    • When you become your own money coach, and do the work to clear what’s going on for you, even if you tried you couldn’t stop it from impacting the ones you love. I’m not a parent, but I consider my work my legacy. The course was designed this way in the hope that it impacts not only the students who take it, but their loved ones and communities as well.

    • No worries at all. Our clients are from all over the world, with all kinds of schedules and time restrictions.

      The course is designed so you can take it at your own pace, over and over again. I teach it live right now while I can, because I really enjoy the interaction with students, and the coaching time, and we are updating the content year on year.

      After every call, everything is uploaded to our website and you can re-watch and listen in your own time, and ask your questions in our facebook group, so they can be answered on the next live call.

      The advantage of being there live is minimised by the benefits of being able to listen and practise the process of the course for the rest of your life, and ask questions whenever you want.


    If you have any more questions, email and we'll help you out! 

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     Still on the fence?

    I get it. Spending money on something like this can bring up “stuff”. We’re here to talk it through if you need to.

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