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How to stay cool when going for a big sale

The crowd was cheering. Screaming. Our ears were ringing.It was my first time on the “A-Team.” I was the youngest. And the freshest. And I was the last fighter of five.

The Four women in front of me were women I had looked up to, and turned to, for years. They guided me through my tough moments in training and life, and consistently pushed me beyond my edge – and here I was, standing side by side with them, in the final fight for the gold medal in the Female Open Team Kumite at the world titles. It was like a surreal, dream come true.

It was first to 3 wins. 5 Girls on the team. One goes after the other. And the competition was fierce. I had fought my way into this position and I sure as hell didn’t want to let these women down. The Fourth Fighter had just lost by a hair. We were an even 2-2. The last fighter wins the gold.

The crowd were losing their freaking minds. We had coaches, competitors, family members, and a whole lot of spectators almost falling into the ring screaming and cheering, it was incredible.

And it was all on me.

Shivers… I mean, anything could happen. The only thing I could do was stay focused and get the job done.

You know the feeling…

You’ve worked so hard for this. You know you can do the job well, and there’s a lot on the line. If you got this, it would mean a lot to you. Heck, it might even mean the world. But there’s an element here you can’t control – the person in front of you.

So how does a girl stay cool when everything is on the line?

Today I’m talking about staying cool when you’re going for a big sale, but really, you can apply this philosophy when going for a big anything.

Once you’re done watching the video, take a little time to carve out some space in your life for active surrender. How can you do this?

Here is the content of the Video:

So you have a big sale to make, you're feeling a little bit anxious, feeling a little nervous,there's perhaps a lot of competition perhaps a lot of pressure on you to make the sale. Ultimately, the result is out of your control. We can't do something more to make someone make the decision.

When I was a martail artist performing at the top of my game in worl championships, I was pusher, I worked harder than anyone I knew, I trained my butt off but when it would come to tournament day, ultimately I knew that if I was to maintain my composure when I was in a ring perhaps under pressure, no matter how much I wanted to win, it was not really in my control. Because I was only half of the game I was competing against an opponent who made decisions, their own mistakes and who was on their own mission..

So how does a girl stay composed in a ring with arms and legs flying at her, or how do you stay composed or how do you stay composed and chilled out when you've got a big, big ticket you want to win.

It's called The Art of Spiritual Surrender. I was reading a book recently called 'Let Go and Let Miracles Happen: The Art of Spriitual Surrender’ by a woman called Kathy Cordoba. Now, back in the day when I was a martial artist, surrender was a bad thing, like we used to say at training all the time, never give up, never surrender. Never Say Die. Pretty hard core. But I want to invite you to look at surrender in a different way.

Because the spiritual surrender is when you are completely pushed to your edge, when there's nothing more that you can physically do, and you're not waving a white flag and giving up, you're essentially allowing what is meant to be, to happen.

So again it comes back to subscribing to a belief that empowers you and expands you,

…what is meant to be will not pass you by.

Now, if you hear the word surrender and you think it means literally giving up, waving the white flag or sitting back on your couch and doing nothing, it's actually quite the opposite. Kathy Cordova says in her book

that spiritual surrender is when you're doing everything in your power that you can and let go and let the other party, do what it needs to do and know that if it's right. It will happen.

So, what does it look like in a sale. Let's take it from woo woo land to corporate land. Well, it's the same as manifesting or bringing about anything that you want into your life.

  1. You get super clear on what

  2. That you remove anything that says that you can't have it and if you have limiting beliefs, just cut that out, cut that out right now.

  3. Do absolutely everything in your power to allow that to happen because you're being who you need to be. In a sales perspective's, it looks like caring about that person. Stepping into their shoes or perhaps the company, stepping into their shoes and looking at the scenario from their perspective, they perhaps have a really big decision to make the going to affect their company, perhaps forever perhaps for a short while perhaps for a long while.

    So, doing your very best to just give them so much love to help them make the right decision for them.

  4. Perhaps this is the most difficult step in the process, is be willing to surrender to the idea that if it's meant to be, it will be, and if it's not, it's not any did everything out and make sure that that happens. Now, this requires infinite patience because if it doesn't happen, it's very frustrating, but on the big scale of things.

Here's the second belief that I want you to add to this cluster of beliefs that allows you to still feel successful if the sale doesn't go through, and the belief is this.

If not now, something better is right around the corner.

Meaning, if you don't make this huge sale, you sit back and trust that it's all for the right reasons, there's something better around the corner. Perhaps it's a bigger sale captures or perhaps it a more ideal client, or perhaps there's a better deal to be had and it's not meant to be. That requires a little bit of faith in the unseen. However, what it does is bring you right back into the moment from a place of service and ethical sales, and ultimately when you are coming from that place, you make a lot more money.

So, we need to do a bit of a challenge, I want to hear from you, if you feel like being brave, I want you to pop a comment down below and tell me, what is that thing that you really want that you're going to surrender to give your all to and just allow it to be what it is. I do hope that helped you today if you have any questions please just leave them below the video. If you liked this video please share it along with your friends and if you want even more tips to become feels. You're afraid.

Feel free to leave me a comment below.

Until next time, Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.


Hayley x x

P.S –If you are a high performer wanting some support with how you can achieve all the things you’re striving for, but you’re feeling completely strapped of time, energy, and patience, let’s talk. Contact me

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