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Episode 44 - Your life is the curriculum

Life getting in the way of your goals, and distracting you from focus?

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Today’s episode is a little message I just simply felt is important to hear right now. It’s for me, and it’s for you, it’s for all of us whenever we need it.

In my coaching programs, we don’t have a curriculum.

I know, I know, it sounds a little wild at first, but what I’ve come to know over time is that having a curriculum prevents us from true transformation - unless we’re learning a new skill.

My coaching programs aren’t about skill; they’re about transformation first and foremost - the skills are easy to grab along the way, and they will need to be updated and changed on the regular.

Transformation, however, is a process. One that requires

  • huge leaps of faith, tenacity, and

  • a willingness to get really damn uncomfortable.

Doing that on your own is hard, and it takes a long time.

During a period of transformation is when we’re most vulnerable to believing criticism, criticising ourselves, and turning back on our dreams - especially if you’re the first person you know who is going for what you want.

And so during our coaching times, rather than having a curriculum, we have…

  • topics we know will come up along the way,

  • we have agreements,

  • we have intentions for where we want to go, and

  • we distill lessons and create personalised strategies based on our skills and education, and also, our lived experiences and what we’ve been successful at in the past. 

The place so many of us fall off track is when “life” happens - and we start to think that if we can just forget about life for a second and focus, we’ll attain the goal. Thus, we ignore our relationships; we negotiate our health, sleep, and time off. We forego connection, and we supplement with caffeine just to get through. Maybe you achieve it, maybe you don’t, but then what?

This is the antithesis of sustainable achievement.

With that said, let’s get to today’s podcast and how to think about the “things that are in the way” right now. 

I don’t know who needs to hear this today but the things that are going on in your life right now, that are distracting you from achieving what you’re working towards?

They are not distractions - they are diamonds. And they may just have the medicine you need.

Every single thing that comes up along the road is part of the curriculum. If you can learn to be with life, alongside with achieving big things, you will create those big things sustainably, and your life will be better off.

I used to make the mistake of setting a goal and putting the whole rest of my life on hold. I would ignore red flags, cast aside uncomfortable feelings, and push my relationship to the side, all for the sake of being able to achieve my goal. Often I would achieve the goal, but I would be clawing myself over the finish line because I had pushed myself too hard and ignored other parts of my life.

If you can learn to be with life, alongside with achieving big things, you will create those big things sustainably and your life will be better off, off the back of it. 

Translation: You benefit from your achievements in the long run and the short.

The invitation in this podcast is to slow down in order to speed up. Honour the fact that your whole life is happening, and it is certainly not a distraction, it is the curriculum. I’ll show you how.

To understand more about making your distractions part of your life… your curriculum, listen to this episode.
I’d love to hear from you! If you agree with me in this episode, let me know by leaving me a comment below and sharing how you best slow down when life is getting in the way. Have you got an anecdote or story of some evidence of what happened on the other side of that? I’d love to hear from you.

Related Links:

Find out more about NLP here: https://hayleycarr.tv/nlp-waitlist

Where to connect with Hayley:

Website: https://hayleycarr.tv/

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