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How to Dissolve Procrastination Immediately.

Funny how the world works. In the past 24 hours since shooting this video, I have had precisely 7 encounters with people. All seven have resulted in a conversation about procrastination and anxiety.

And I had already shot this video, just for you!

If you’re struggling with it, you don’t need to any more. I’ll teach you the real meaning of anxiety, how to dissolve it, and kick procrastination in the face. (almost literally – keep your eyes peeled! I nearly kicked the camera!!

Here are 5 strategies to get you unstuck.

Strategies like writing down what is preventing you from doing this right now or what are the first three things I need to do right now. Reward or punish yourself for outcomes. The punishment should be something you don’t want to do but is still good for you. Ask yourself do you really want to do this?

Lastly, what’s the structure of anxiety, from an NLP perspective this is when you strategically visualize something is going to go wrong- this is the construct of where anxiety begins -so you need to change that visual. So imagine what it would be like the moment you finish the task perfectly. Program your brain to imagine it going exactly the way you wanted it to go.

And, y’know what, I want to say something else too. A loving reminder.

It’s Easter this weekend. In Australia we have 2 public holidays over Easter, so it’s a 4-day weekend. This is something we do get quite excited about here in Aus, we love a good few paid days off, however, more & more often I see people stressed out the week before-hand, and exhausted over public holiday weekends, when they are supposed to be relaxing, because they aim to get 6 days work done in 4 days, to make up for the time off they are taking. It’s time off. You’re meant to get less done. Enjoy it. You have a right. That’s why it’s a public holiday.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Here is the content of the video:

Today's topic is a funny one, it happens to the best of us. In fact, it happened to me today, with regards to making this video. You see I had a lovely relaxing weekend, which translated into a lovely relaxing long Sunday night, which translated into a lovely long Monday of relaxing, and today's the day I supposed to shoot a video and I didn't shoot until late because I was doing what -


and if you happen to see my video last week you might get an idea of the gist of where this is going

And this is the big myth that I wanted to talk to you about today because I have the solution for you.

Today I have five strategies for you to help you overcome procrastination. Now the word procrastination, in general, pisses me off. Can I say that because I can say that it's my YouTube channel, it pisses me off because people subscribe to it, and they label themselves and what they're doing with procrastination with this black hole of non action, and it's total utter BS. It's crap.

There are a few simple reasons why people procrastinate and there are a few simple things that you can do to help yourself move out of that state of being. Now some of the tips I'm going to give you are really easy if it is a light level of procrastination to just keep yourself kicking along, and some of them are much deeper.

Here we go,

  1. This is the easiest if you're not really having that much trouble with your procrastination, and you just want to kick things along, pretend it's a race, pretend that you are racing against someone else, or racing yourself, put a timer on your iPhone, start it and just get going, as soon as you feel the momentum kick in, you'll be into action in no time and it will be over before you know it.

  2. The second strategy is to do some free writing, I'm a huge fan of free writing it taps into your unconscious mind, do it by hand and get yourself a note book, ask yourself one of these two questions, or both.

    Number one, what is preventing me from doing this right now. Write down everything that you think is preventing you when you see what's written on the paper, you'll realize that it's just, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    But the second question you can ask yourself is what is the first three things that need to happen in order for this to get done. And you might come up with, Pick up a pen, get on Google, or something else, the first three things, then all you have to do is go ahead and do those first three things.

    Once you've done them, ask yourself again, what are the next three things that have to happen. This is so basic, but so powerful, it really does work.

  3. Step number three is a really cool tool that I like to teach people when they come to my peak performance workshop, it's really going to depend on how the the layers of suggestions that you're giving yourself as to how stuck you are, how often you tell yourself that you procrastinate and how bad you think procrastination is, what do I mean by that? Sometimes it's as much as setting yourself up so that you have a reward if you do it and you have a punishment if you don't but sometimes if the suggestions is really deep, you need a swift kick to the head mate.

    You need a punishment for if you don't get it done. But here's the trick. The punishment can't be something that hurts you, but that you really want to avoid. It's got to be something that's still good for you, for example, when I get this done, I can go to the beach for half an hour, and chill out. If I don't get it done. Let's say for example you don't like running. If I don't get it done. I have to go for a run. Now the run, although you might hate running, it's going to be good for you, you might set another stake like 100 Push ups or 20 Push ups or 20 Sit ups, it's something that's still gonna move you ahead in your life, but you don't really want to do it, so kind of like having a fire lit under your butt that gets you moving forward.

  4. Now step four. And step five go together really well.

    Tip number four, just simply ask yourself, Do I really want to do this. I mean, do I really want to do it. So sometimes you're procrastinating on something because you're not passionate about it, And you never will be. And it's a really good sign that you're in the wrong place, but sometimes we're procrastinating on stuff, because we don't want to do it, it's annoying, but essentially it's going to get us where we want to go.

    So you have to ask yourself, Do I really want to do this. Let's take something like tax for example, it's something that a lot of people tend to procrastinate on because they either don't understand that they don't like it, if you ask yourself, Do I really want to do this, the answer this, hell no. But when you ask yourself, Do I really want to do this, usually the answer is, well yeah I do because I want the money back or I want the benefits,

  5. Which leads me into step number five, which is an amazing little tip that I would suggest for anyone who ever experiences, any kind of anxiety whatsoever. So firstly, what's the structure of anxiety.

    Now some people might not agree with me here, but from my point of view, in neuro linguistic programming, this is the definition of anxiety.

    It's when you're strategically visualizing something to go wrong. For example, you're sitting down, about to do your tax, and somewhere unconsciously you're imagining that you don't get a downtime, you're getting a fine or that you don't get as much money back as you want to or that it's going to be terrible and boring and painful and long, and you're going to miss out on seeing your friends, and you're going to feel tired and stressed afterwards because you don't like doing numbers, blah, blah blah blah blah blah.

    It's in your head and you're visualizing it to go wrong without even realizing this is the construct of where anxiety begins, and here's the solution. All you need to do, once you've figured out, yes I do want to do this is sit down, close your eyes and imagine yourself doing what you'd be doing the moment after you've finished and you did it, and completed it perfectly. I'll say that again.

    To relieve any form of anxiety. Sit down, and visualize yourself looking through your own eyes, hearing the sounds around you and feeling the feelings of being right in the moment, after having completed the task, perfectly, anxiety, gone.

    That was a massively amazing tool for your very own peak performance that you're about to perform in your work, at home, your social life or actually perform on stage. If you're feeling anxious or nervous about anything, visualize it and program your brain to make it go exactly the way that you want it.

And those are my five tips today to help you overcome procrastination. I really hope you enjoyed them. So you can use these strategies altogether, or you can just choose to use one, they all work individually, but if you're really stuck and you do need a swift kick to the head, use all of them for everything that you've got at your procrastination. It will help you so much.

If you want to know more about those tools, make sure you're on my email list below.

When you watch this video, feel free to leave me a comment and tell me which one you’re implementing – perhaps all of them! They really do work and will open you up to all kinds of freedom.

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.

Love, Hayley xx

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